Chapter one

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"No. Don't come any closer. PLEASE!"
*sigh* Although this was one of my first times acting, I was bored already.
"Going in 5;

Later on, having hardly enough strength to move, I slumped onto the sofa. I had been put in make-up, high shoes and all I needed was a relaxing bath and to sleep forever. But this is impossible with my sister hanging about. Plus, this early career wasn't exactly working out. I had to juggle my school and personal life at the same time. It was, let's say, kinda tricky. On top of that, I had my, loving in her own way, sister. It was manic. Let me tell you how I got into this position. Once, my sister said "Hey Soph. Do you mind if I borrow twenty quid?" This was Rachel, my big sis, asking for money, at least twice a week. As far as I know, she used the money to buy some fags. Most of the time, she was either in her room, being a spoilt 'brat' (only to me though) or the rest of the time, she was completely obnoxious. (Again, only towards me) Life was definitely fustrating. "Soz sis, I'm out of cash." This was the first time I had said no. And let me tell you, it didn't end well. So as soon as I said this, she started making me work so I could give her money again. Rachel, who had a modeling career, decided that I should start the family business, or at least her business. As it was ten miles away, i needed transport to get there. My sister had a car, she gave me her driving license, got a new photo and BAMM! I could drive. When i was little, i leant how to drive, just in case. How convenient! I had just finished year eight so I had a lot of free time on my hands and nothing left to loose. If mom and dad were still around... they wouldn't make a lot of difference. PAUSE!! I know what your thinking. Did she just say that her parents wouldn't help? Yes. Yes I did. They weren't around lots so I ended up spending most of my time at my sisters' house. Do you think it 's bad? Well, actually it's normal for our family history. Parents would always leave their 'youngest' or 'most feeble' child to their eldest. In my situation, it was Rachel. "What would they be doing that's more important than there own children? " I hear you ask. Well frankly, I don't know. And i haven't seen them since.Now, back to the story.

Chapter two
Finally, after several years of waiting, I eventually had a quality boyfriend. As per usual, at the age of nine, I got dumped, on valentines day too, at the prom. It normally takes anyone a long time to get over a dump, but i was an exception. Maybe it was because he was a dick. So I waited for the right person and six years later, I finally found someone. (Because I'm a bysexuall, I'm really not that picky.)His name was Sam and was pretty sweet. Although I am not one for boys, this one was cute enough to bring any girl down. As soon as he asked if I would go with him to the dance tomorrow, I'm sure that I had sweat running down my face. I obviously replied wi th the most common phrase: "Like a date?"Like any smoking hot boy, he replied nervously like this;" um...well...if you wanted." After the slightly embarrassing moment, he said that he would see me at my house. Does everyone know where I live? To be honest, it's not that creepy. Looks like I had a date. Now this was the tricky part. If I wanted not to bail on the sexist boy alive, I would need permission. From my sister.

As soon as I arrive home, I started planning a question to ask. I had to be very careful not to mention his name as my sister dated him, and he split her 'off the iceberg.' (To all people who don't know what it means, it means break up time!) I can understand why. She was probably being the bitch she is. Honestly, she can't be nice for even a sec. Suddenly, it occurred to me that I could just ask if I could go to the prom. And if she asks "with who? " I can reply "friends." If not, I'll sneak out. But that is extreme measures. So, I went as casually as someone nervous could to the living room. To my surprise, I found Rachel watching Sherlock Holmes even though, and I quote she saying "that it was the most dumbest, most boring show ever!" (This is true!) But here she was, hand deep in popcorn, eyes glued to the screen. Now, if she didn't let me go to the prom, I'd blackmail her. (No, it is not too harsh.) But first, to try the civilised approach. "Hey sis," I started. She was obviously shocked to see me and immediately dropped the popcorn onto the concrete floor and the China bowl smashed into a thousand pieces. Great, something else I'd have to clean up.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 07, 2015 ⏰

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