Chapter 5 - Sparks Start Flying on the Roadside

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Everything was put into place, and I started going.

We stopped and redid the take on this country road three times before John was satisfied by it. Honestly, I was getting annoyed. Yeah, I liked riding the bike, but I wanted to get into the action and do the scene where I would ride alongside the car and then completely biff it. I loved action like that, especially when I could do my own stunts and not have a double do it.

"Elvis, simmer down," the Colonel ordered as we were standing on the side of this country road, and fields surrounded us, aside from the mountains in the distance, and the country air was comfortable and smelled of grass. I kicked the wheel of the motorcycle.

"I just wanna be done with this. And we could've had the Jordanaires be a part of the song since it was just a recodin'."

"You're still on about that? Let it go. The song's already done, and so is that scene."

I huffed. "Yeah."

He patted my back. "Cheer up, come on. You like riding that death trap, and you're going to do some more of it, as much as I wanted you to have a double."

I smirked for the first time in two hours since we first started doing the previous shot. "I wanted to do it myself. It's more realistic."

"Yes, and a broken neck is realistic, too."

"They'll have doctors and an ambulance on standby in case anythin' happens. Relax."

"How am I supposed to relax when you could you go and die from breaking your neck? It wouldn't be my fault since I warned you."

"I'm not gonna die, Colonel. I just wanna have some fun."

"Fun is what gets a lot of people killed," he argued, and I laughed.

"I think you're the one who needs to simmer down now." I was told to get on the bike. I did so. "Everythin' will be fine, Colonel."

I started up the bike and took it to where John wanted me on the road. Joan, Barb and Leif were all in the car, ready to go. Charlie had to ride along beside them, battling Joe, played by Leif, and flirt with Kathy, played by Joan, at the same time. This would be wild but a lot of fun.

We got started and cameras started rolling

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We got started and cameras started rolling. I went along beside them, getting into the part and arguing and flirting like I was supposed to. I had to nearly be run off the road first, but not quite. Joe wanted to show this hooligan a lesson. Finally, when the time came, he jerked the car, and I tumbled off the road. Only... I only fell over. Nothing else.

The Small Things [Elvis]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя