Chapter XI: Epilogue

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Alice was having a time, whether it was fun or not was yet to be determined.

The revelation of T-Veronica and Rockfort Island was unexpected, thankfully Isaacs' attempts there were thwarted completely.

The kidnapping of Claire by Umbrella proved the corporations big error.

Claire had befriended Alfred Ashford, a man thought lost to insanity, though he had enough left to determine friend from foe.

Then Rodrigo Juan Raval, who defected from Umbrella during the outbreak on Rockfort.

Said man had been reunited with Claire after it was all over.

The reunion occurred in the New York City suburbs, according to Jill. Claire had been more than happy, thinking she'd lost him.

Chris hadn't known how to take the news of the two being involved, Jill said he'd just stood there and glared at Rodrigo for a while.

Nothing happened, and eventually Chris said he approved, seeing how gentle he was with his sister.

Then Alexia.

She'd temporarily moved in with Richard and Crispin. Lucy had set up a small lab in the basement to conduct tests and whatnot.

Alexia had an antidote in her mind apparently, so Lucy was getting that ready, she'd applied the finishing touches yesterday.

Alice was just glad the woman wouldn't be subjected to tests and experiments, after all she'd spent the past 15 years in Cryostasis.

Now here Alice was, having discovered the lab in Vegas. Carlos and Barry were keeping an eye out for any safety measures of Umbrella.

So far nothing, nothing but a long hall with clear windows and doors on each side.

The red queen had been surprisingly quiet lately, which didn't reassure Alice as it did the others.

That bitch was planning something, Alice knew that, she just didn't know what.

"Nothing to the left."

Barry was keeping guard the most, he had been at the Spencer estate in Raccoon City according to Carlos, so not surprising. That mansion had a lot of traps, among other things.

"The right is clear."

Carlos wasn't as guarded, but Alice knew not to mistake that as a weak point.

As they continued forward, still nothing, but silence.

Alice wasn't particularly optimistic about that. She'd been in eery silence enough to know when something was about to go wrong.

Then suddenly, a hologram of a red girl appeared in front of them, the Red queen.

"Hello Project Alice."

Alice frowned, she hated being called 'project', she didn't know why Red queen called her that anyway.

"What are you plotting?"

Right to the point as usual.

Red Queen kept a neutral expression.

"Knowing won't matter, you'll find out shortly."

Then she disappeared. However, then a noise Alice knew all too well.

Looking behind them, yep, lasers.

She remembered when One, Medic, and a couple others died in that laser corridor in the Hive.

One almost survived, until the lasers changed in a way that made it impossible to escape, no matter what you did.

"Barry, Carlos, move!"

They didn't need to look to know what she was talking about, and they rushed down the hall.

The lasers were getting close, but the three managed to stay ahead of them a safe enough distance.

Quickly reaching a certain point in the hall, a door closed behind them, safe.


Not so safe.

On both sides of them, zombified dobermans, growling and snarling, ready to pounce onto their next meal.

Carlos and Barry covered the left, Alice the right.

She wasn't intimidated, she'd already fought these things before, twice. Once in the Hive, and again during the outbreak in Raccoon.

She smirked just as the first doberman started to lunge, and raised her machine guns.

"Let the games continue."

*My b y'all, I for real didn't know for sure how to end it, so I went with this. Anyway, stay tuned, because I'm planning on starting my Walking Dead AU soon, also more Resident evil, and one more Star Wars story, anyway this ends the events of Code Veronica in my Resident Evil AU, hope the story and it's ending satisfied you at least a little.🙂

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