⁶ Loss

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"What the fuck Y/N!" she yells.

"I was trying to help him!" Na-yeon adds.

My anger rises. I push her away, making her fall on the floor.

She screeches, cowering in fear.

"Are you going to bite me?!"

"Because if you do, your little boyfriend will be scared of you like everyone else is."

"Shitheads." she whispers before leaving.

Na-yeon leaves, and I run over her, but Dae-su, Su-hyeok and Ms.Park held me back, then everyone else helps.

"Get the fuck off me!" I yell.

Gyeong-su pulls me close to him, back in the filming room.

"What's wrong Y/N?" I hear multiple times.

"You fucking.."

~ Timeskip ~

"Did Na-yeon really say those things?" Ms.Park asks me and Gyeong-su.

We both nod, Ms.Park sighs and turns to the girl who was about to burst in tears

"You promised me that you'll apologize, Na-yeon." Ms.Park says to Na-yeon.

I partly ignore the consveration and go to Gyeong-su, I sit on his lap again, like we did in the filming room, and I hug him tightly. He even plants a kiss on my forehead.

"I did nothing wrong." Na-yeon defends herself.

"You only think about yourself." Ji-min growls, and I agree with her.

Ji-min shouts out something else about the bitch.

"We almost died because Gyeong-su didn't shut the door, so Mr.Kang came in!"

Gyeong-su groans in frustration.

"He didn't pull him in, he didn't know that would happen." Cheong-san steps up for his best friend.

"That's enough, quiet everyone." Ms.Park demands.

"All I did was say stuff to Y/N, she pushed me over!"

"All of you are so annoying." Na-yeon adds.

"He still might turn! And Y/N! She bit On-Jo!" the angered girl argues.
"Then will you admit I saved you when they both turn?!"

I put my hands over Gyeong-su's ears so he doesn't hear Na-yeon's revolting words anymore, before gently kissing his cheek, and he does the same to me.

"You tried to kill Gyeong-su." I look at Na-yeon with furious eyes.

I stand up, walking infront of the girl.

"You wiped that blood on your hankerchief, then when you came to 'apologize' to him, you tried to wipe it on him!" I yell furiously, pushing her.

"Get off me, I didn't do it, liar!" she shrieks.

Woo-jin and Gyeong-su both grabs one of my arms.

"Stop Y/N." Woo-jin whispers in my ears, I ignore him.

"Give me the hankerchief." I demand.

"No." she replies.

"It's in your pocket." I growl.

"Let me go, Woo-jin and Gyeong-su." I order them, and they let go of my arm.

I try to invade into her pocket, but she fights me off.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" she hisses.

"Do you think that-"

I slap her in the cheek, causing Joon-yeong to stand up.

"Survive for me" ▪︎ Gyeong-su x Y/N Where stories live. Discover now