It wasn’t until he heard a soft sigh that his mind was brought back to the present, no longer walking around mindlessly. He watched you from the corner of his eyes, the way your (h/c) hair was soaking wet, clothes sticking against your body as you crouched on the floor. His eyes paid close attention to the way you were slightly shaking from the breezes, sitting by a small crack of the building that released some warm air. 

He truly wanted to ignore you, but just as he was about to walk another way, his foot froze against the pavement at your words. 

“Damn it, can’t they see just how stressed it’s all making me? I don’t want to keep bottling everything up anymore.”

He knew those words weren’t directed at him, but he still found himself relating to them. 

“Hey,” he spoke up, addressing his presence to you as your startled eyes fell on his back. You couldn’t see his face, only seeing his black hair and the way he had a dark hoodie on. You don’t reply, the sound of your teeth chatter against each other filling the empty area. 

Dabi signs before pulling the hoodie over his head, face tilting slightly as he looks down at it before turning all the way around letting you get a good look at him. He offers his hand, you took it hesitantly as he helps you back up. If it were any other time, area, maybe you would have feared him, but the way his eyes held a hint of tiredness and grievance, it made you sympathize with him. You held eye contact with him, before your eyes trailed down to the scars underneath them. 

You couldn’t find it in you to feel any nervousness as he took in your appearance too. Hair damp and disheveled as you sniffled into the night. 

“Here,” he shoved his hoodie into your arms, “you’re cold.” 

You took it without protest, throwing it on as you felt better by the warmth, it probably felt warmer because of his body heat when he had it on first. The man didn’t say anything else as he began to walk away from you. He didn’t offer any reason to keep any conversation with him, but you found yourself calling after him before you could stop, “Wait!”

“You should probably head back home, kid, it’s bound to get colder.” He didn’t stop, but his steps felt more slowed. 

“What if I didn’t want to go back?”

His lips fell into a small smile as he lowered his head to face the ground, when had he stopped walking? “What are you even doing here? What even is there for you to be here?”

It was probably the way he said it, sounding as if he was asking himself that more than he was asking you. You didn’t reply, not because you wanted to be rude but because that was your answer. It offered you the silence and ease of mind you desperately needed in your problematic life. He seemed to need it just as much too. 

"Don't you have folks waiting for you at home?"

"Maybe I do, maybe I don’t," I answered, shrugging as I stared up at him.

The scared man only chuckled before he began to carry on with his walk once again. You didn’t want to just stand there and watch him leave. The way your feet carried you behind his frame a few feet away from him. 

“Why are you following me, for all you know, I could hurt you.”

He’s right. He could hurt me, but he felt like he needed someone's presence just as much as I needed his. 

“You offered me your hoodie, does that not stand for something?” I ask back, watching as his shoulders relaxed. I knew nothing about this man before me, but he made me feel a pleasant wave of reassurance. 

“Not really.”

He kept walking, not bothering me to get lost.

We just kept walking as the dark began to engulf the light even more. Watching as he began to slow down as he seemed to be trying to reach a particular building. 

“Why are you walking so far away, I don’t bite.” He smirked, lips curling into a smile as his eyes met mine. 

“You said you could possibly hurt me, didn’t you?” I remind him, walking closer to him as we fell into rhythm. 

“And you said I gave you my hoodie and that it stood for something, didn’t you?” He teased, turning slightly as he burned the wood in front of the door before pulling the knob open. 

“I guess so.” I smiled, eyes softening as I creased the material in my hand. 

“What’s your name?” He asked me, eyes heavy as he waited for my response. 

“Y/n, Y/n L/n, and you?” I asked him back after I gave him my name. 

“Y/n huh, well nice to meet you Y/n, you can just call me Dabi.”

Dabi opened the door for me as I walked inside, watching as he walked over the trash on the floor as he lit up the fire pit. 

“Well Dabi, nice to meet you too.” I smile, walking beside him as I pull a large cardboard over and sit on it in front of the fire. Holding my hands towards it as I felt myself heating back up comfortably. He just watched in silence as I attempted to heat my body back up. Until his eyes raked over my face and back down to the blue flames that danced before us. 

“What were you doing all alone in the alleyway anyways?” Dabi mindlessly asked, the question flowing past his lips before he realized he even said it. 

I felt the cardboard shift under me as I curled my legs to my chest, “ I don’t really want to talk about it.” I confessed, I didn’t want to talk about it, because I didn’t know what I would say if I let it spill out of me. “What about you Dabi?”

He shifted closer to me before he sat on the cardboard too. “If I’m being honest,” he leaned back until he was lying down on the cardboard “I don’t want to talk about it either.” 

He whispered, crossing his arms under his head as he breathed out, shutting his eyes. 

I did the same too, call me foolish, but maybe it was the way it felt as if I needed this. As if we needed this as an outlet of sorts. We just laid there basking in the comfortable silence as we tried not too think about our own problems too hard.

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