Chapter 12

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Yup. That night I had another one.

I was sitting in drama class when Cameron came up to me. He was holding a guitar.

"Hey Christy!"  I looked up at him, a little surprised he was talking to me.

"Hey Cameron. What''s with the guitar?"

He looked down like he had forgotten he was holding it. "Oh, I'm going to sing a song." He walked to center stage and pulled a microphone out of nowhere. "Okay, everyone, I'm going to sing a song. For Christy." He added.

He sang a song, I can't remember which, but it was very romantic. Afterwards he walked back over to me. "Did you like it?"

I was blushing from all of the sudden attention. "Ya."

He smiled, and kissed me. When he pulled back, it felt like we were a puzzle being pulled apart. Then he grabbed my hand and helped me up off the couch. He led me out into the hall. Miss M. didn't stop us, even though class had just begun. We started walking down a large stair case. I looked over the railing. I couldn't even see the bottom flight.

After we had walked for about ten minutes, I saw a couple girls sitting on some steps. They seemed bored at first, but when they saw Cameron, their eyes lit up.

"Hey Cam!" They flipped their hair and giggled.

Cameron barely noticed them. "Hey" He called as we walked past. The next flight down there were some more girls. They did the same thing. It turned into the same thing every flight of stairs, the groups of girls getting bigger and bigger.

How did Cameron know all of these girls? Was he a player? Am I just his crush of the week? With these thoughts running through my mind, I ran away from Cameron and all of his "friends".

I woke up crying. How pathetic is that?

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