vi, my favourite person

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thanks for the other day

sorry for not texting you after
you left, i had a lot on my mind

it's fine i guess

do you need someone to
talk to?

nah i'm okay

i'll get over it after a while

that's not really healthy richarlison

if you don't feel good, you
need to speak to someone
about it

thank you teyjah, but honestly
i'm fine

i don't really want to speak about
it anymore

okay, that's fine x

was there another reason
you texted me? other than
thanking me?

oh yeah

i just wanted to ask if
you wanted to facetime?

i'm doing some english
homework but it's kinda

i would but i don't
want to distract you

hard to not get distracted
when harry kane is your
english teacher

please? you could help me
with the SPaG?


accept ⎯ decline

"OLÁ," the brazilian smiled into the camera, propping his phone up against some english textbooks.

"hey, richy. what english work are you doing?" from her perspective, she could see some lined paper with scribbles on it (she assumed it was his handwriting).

"i have to write this - and add dots and lines." he held up a small paragraph that was written with incorrect grammar. teyjah gathered that he meant full stops and commas. she thought it was cute that richarlison was going above and beyond to be able to communicate with his teammates.

richy could already speak basic english that was needed to speak with his team on the pitch, thanks to his time at watford and everton. however, he decided to pick up a few more lessons from his vice captain so he could fit in easier with his new friends.

"that seems simple, why do you need my help?"

"i don't," he had a cheeky smile on his face. "just wanna speak to you."

she blushed at his words. "oh, okay."

richarlison continued to work, and teyjah watched him quietly. she began watching netflix around twenty minutes into the call, upon his insistence. they sat together on the phone, both of them doing their respective activities.

after a little while, richarlison broke the silence with a small sigh, "how do you spell your last name?" teyjah could briefly see him chewing on the rubber on his pencil, displaying both his frustration and concentration.

"t-o-n-e-y. why?" she answered absently, popping a couple more sensations into her mouth. her attention was still focused on the haikyu!! that was playing on her television.

"i want to write about my favourite person and my favourite person is teyjah toney."

she blushed at his words, she thought it was cute that he thought of her that way. "that's sweet richy, but what about your family? we only just met like two weeks ago and i-"

"hey relax. it's just dumb english work - s'not like i'm choosing you over my family for something important," he joked lightly, hoping to calm her nerves. he was right - and she didn't know why she was getting so worked up over something so silly.

three hours later, teyjah had moved from her living room to her bedroom. richarlison finished up on his school work and copied the girl, moving to his fancy bedroom room also.

none of the two realised how late it was becoming as they continued to talk with each other. richarlison was still rambling about nothing in particular when the soft, deep breaths from teyjah caught his attention. her eyes were fluttering shut and her lips were slightly separated, obvious signs that she was beginning to fall asleep.

richarlison had the instinct to end the facetime, since he wanted her to sleep peacefully. but, honestly, he didn't want to. he thought she looked so cute sleeping that he wanted to watch her all night. the thought sounded creepy as hell, but it was true.

someone in the back of his mind told him to hang up. he could hear her voice whispering in the back of his head, almost like she was right next to him. she was telling him to hang up; that falling asleep on facetime was their thing. and that he shouldn't be doing it with someone he just met.

he tried his best to ignore the thoughts, just like he would ignore her towards the end of their relationship. instead, he made himself comfortable in bed, propping the phone up against spare pillows.

it didn't take long for him to fall asleep once his head hit the pillow. the time was only around half eleven at night, meaning it was way earlier than he usually would go to bed. that explained why richarlison missed the simple 'u up?' text that she sent to him later that night.

sloppy ass ending for what???😪

𝑶𝑩𝑺𝑬𝑺𝑺𝑬𝑫 𝑾𝑰𝑻𝑯 𝒀𝑶𝑼, richarlisonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें