Chapter 14

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Everything hurt, Blindheart felt like she couldn't move, it all hurts as she laid on her side. She closed her good eye and slowly blink, there was grays paw infront of her but she blink again a scarred face was revealed and its eyes was glowing all red then blink again, the cat was gone. "Is she awake?" she heard a voice asked. "She lost alot of blood, possiblity it may scarred. Shes lucky Jake, not many kittens survive a brutal attack, just give her time to recover Jake. What will you say when she wakes up?" "Let me deal with it Nightscar. Flame was my friend. The Fire Chosen. The captain. It's best if I talk to his daughter. Alone."

Blindheart slowly raised her head up, behind her neck cause a spasm of pain as she dropped her head back down out of pain, she slowly turn to see her wounds, so many cobwebs and moss on her side, she saw her leg was straighten out in a many twigs, mixed with branches and vines to hold her leg in place and straighten it out and her pad was covered in leaves. She heard pawsteps coming in the den, "Your awake." purred Nightscar. Blindheart looked up at the healer, her ears begin to feel heavy so she flatten them, she slowly reached up and felt some sticky stuff to only realize there was a hole. "Don't do that little one." Nightscar mewed softy coming closer, "I know it's hurt." He laid down infront of the kitten, fixing the cobwebs behind her ear, "It won't be there long, the cobwebs I mean. You need rest. Close your eyes." The gentle gaze laid down on the injured kitten, the kitten slowly blink again and closed her eyes but what troubled her was the attack, what happen to her parents? Her brother? They can't be gone can't they?


It was a few minutes of rest, the pain still remains. She looked up realizing pawsteps we're coming, Nightscar has return but this time, the king was with him and that rat was following them, Blindheart scowled at the white tom making him jump, trying to hiss but to come to a shock, nothing. "You can wait outside Light shadow." Jake told him. The other kitten looked up at him before turning and walking out of the den, "I'll see you as soon I speak to Blindheart." "Blindheart, I brought you Jake to come and speak with you." Nightscar mewed, his soft gentle gaze hasn't left him since he left the injured kitten to rest after the attack. "I'll leave you to it." Nightscar meowed, "I'll find a big juicy prey for her. She must be hungry." then he exit the den, leaving them alone. Jake eyes were soft as he lower himself down to the injured kitten, gently stroking her but carefully not on her wounds as she was on her uninjured side, "Your not in trouble for running out of the den." Jake told her silently, "It's not your fault for what happened, your father was the bravest caption I ever know, he loves you so much, so did your mother and brother but I'm sorry, they're gone and are in the stars, but I know they will be watching over you as you grow and they'll be proud of you no matter the path you choose." 

They're dead, Blindheart closed her eyes and started to grief for her family, she loved them so much. Why they have to go? It should of been me. Blindheart thought. The king begins to comfort Blindheart, as she cried, she didn't care that he face was burning from tears.


It was the middle of daylight, Jake stayed with her for awhile, Snow enter and asked "Am I in a bad time? How is she?" Light shadow was still outside of the den.
Jake mewed "She's upset and she been left with permanent injuries and scars." his soft gaze hasn't left her as she laid close to him, slowly eating the hugh rabbit that she refused to eat but was encourage to eat her meal by the king. Snow mewed "I hope you don't mind, I found her a new family, Feather and Sky, they are a loving couple and has two daughters of their own, I spoke to them about her and they agreed to take her in as their own." "Along they are caring and kind and their two kittens don't play hard, they will do." Jake mewed. Snow mewed "I think I would know if I made the right choice, do you want me to bring them in?" "I want Blindheart to recover first, then when she's ready she can meet her new family." "I'll tell them that." Snow mewed. Nightscar who is a healer ener the den with herbs. "I have to go little one, Nightscar will take care of you ok."

Nightscar nodded respectfully to the king, "I'll take care of her." he promised as the king left, Snow followed, Jake looked at Light shadow and mewed "I heard what you did. It was foolish indeed but I'm glad you saved her but it doesn't mean you can put yourself in danger all the time, Snow's right you could of gotten killed, I'm not mad but you need to think before you get into a situation, come Light shadow." Jake meowed then he lead him away from the den. Blindheart eyes widen, the cat she was being mean too saved her life, but why? What has she done that made the tom save her life? Blindheart had so many questions about the tom who saved her life.

Kingdoms*old versonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें