Chapter 1

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"I've been hearing the whispers all night," I told Rit. I was choking on my own mucus. Straining to look straight ahead. I was panting rapidly now. Pain was rushing through my body. Like snakes slithering through my veins.

"What happened!" Rit was panicking, holding his head, full of disbelief and cluelessness. "Oh my gosh. I don't know what to do!" Neither of us did. This was surreal. Unexplainable.

Watching his eyes and sweaty body made me scared. Rit was my friend. My only true friend that I had full loyalty and trust in. Him and I spend all of our time together. We climbed through the canopy of the man-made rain forest. We had built tons of bridges, cabins, swings, traps, and look outs. We lived in the village down on the bottom of the jungle but to me and Rit, the fortress we made feels so much more like home. People ask if we're a couple. No not really. We're best friends for basically eternity.

I've never seen him like this. Scared, panicking, he was usually so courageous and knowledgeable.

"I promise I will get you out of this, Angel, I promise!" Angel was not a term of endearment. My mother named me Angel because when I was born, my blonde hair and skin were ever so slightly glowing. It made me look "heavenly" my mother said to me. She knew I was going to be special one day.

My vision started becoming cloudy. I was loosing cautiousness. My tongue was starting to shrivel up and become heavy and dry. I notice my legs were twitching and shaking like crazy. The dreadful seen was a little too dreadful. it was too much i lost all hope in finding a way to focused and eventually just gave in and let my eyes shut. Let my mind empty.

I was out.


It only felt like a handful of seconds. I feel Rit's hands on my limp, cold body. But I recognized that it wasn't possible for me to have missed my best friend having a lot more than two hands.

I was lifted up and carried a while and shoved into a cave like enclosure with metal and hard material that I couldn't identify. I watch three men enter into their own caves and throw another object into a fourth. Then the shiny object started to make loud noises and eventually starting moving. Who was pushing this thing. What was this thing. But I had more important things to think about right now. I didn't bother saying anything because I thought I would've still not been able to. But I did start feeling better and I finally started seeing straight. I took a shot at one question.

"Who are you guys?!" I asked. Just barely managing to get out a sound.

"We're officials. We're taking you away by the authority's orders." one bulky, sweaty man replied. His voice was somewhat soothing, but I knew this was not a time to relax and empty of my thoughts. This was a time to think. Get answers. Information.

"Where are you talking me" I talk back making sure to not act afraid in case they are if any danger.

"We're not aloud to say. Master's orders".

"It's for the better, Angel". Rit replied.

I forgot about Rit! He was tied up and very battered. Bruises and cuts everywhere. He looked like he was depressed. I couldn't tell why but I was worrying for him. His sorrow made me nervous because He was always so brave. It bothered me to see him like this.


The sound of metal shearing against each other made me shake, not that I wasn't already. We hit something. Something big. But then I started to really worry. It was happening again.

My mouth was foaming. My head ached. My skin turned a deep maroon color that looked like it was melting. But then something happened that didn't happen the first time. A voice. A low shrieking voice came out of my blood stained lips. It wasn't me talking though. I instantly react to this event and assume whats causing this.


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