the opening

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This book was written in the year 297 by Maester Harquin who prior to this release "The Six Wives Of Viserys Targaryen" that based on the memoirs that had been written by the last three Targaryen rulers. And in this book -which takes the other one as a prequel, he tells us how House Targaryen faced destruction because of the mistakes that had been caused by King Viserys I.

This book contains 7 chapters.

.Chapter I; The Dowager Queen, Cassandra Baratheon

...The Lady Cassandra Baratheon had been sired by Borros Baratheon, Lord of Storm's End and the Lord Paramount of the Stormlands and birthed by his first wife, the Lady Penelope Connington. She was King Viserys I's sixth and final wife (a marriage that lasted a decade and ended only when King Viserys died). The marriage had provided no heirs in any form and after King Viserys died, she married Lord Tyland Lannister, Master of Coin. She was born in Storm's End in the year 104 and died in Casterly Rock in the year 132 during childbirth. Her bones had returned to the Storm's End as her wish.

.Chapter II; The Dragon King, Aegon II Targaryen

...King Aegon II had been sired by King Viserys and birthed by his second consort Alicent in the year 107 in King's Landing. He ascended to the throne in the year 129, after the death of his father King Viserys I. He ruled for 11 years and died in the year 140, in King's Landing from sickness. He married his own distant cousin, Maris Baratheon in the year 134 but the marriage didn't result in any children. He tried to name his wife as his heir to prevent his sisters to ascend to the throne but Queen Rhaenyra I, succeed him nevertheless.

.Chapter III; The Queen of Nine Days, Maris I Baratheon

...The First Queen of Westeros (depends on the narrator), Maris I Baratheon had been sired by Borros Baratheon, the Lord of Storm's End and the Lord Paramount of the Stormlands and birthed by his wife, Lady Elenda Caron in the year 107. She ruled only for nine days hence she is not known as a queen by most historians. She died in the year 140 in King's Landing and got beheaded for high treason. She was married to King Aegon II and had been named his heir after his passing. Queen Rhaenyra I, then Princess Rhaenyra, did not accept this and marched against her and succeed her in the end. For House Baratheon sympathizers, she is known as the first Queen of Westeros and also the first Baratheon ruler of Westeros. She died without an issue.

.Chapter IV; The Black Queen, Rhaenyra I Targaryen

...The first Queen of Westeros (depends on the narrator), Rhaenyra I Targaryen had been sired by King Viserys and birthed by his first consort Aemma in the year 97 in King's Landing. She ascended to the throne in the year 140, after the death of her brother King Aegon II. She ruled for five years and died in the year 145, in King's Landing from gout. She married her own cousin, Ander Arryn in the year 141 (attempts for marriage had been made previously by different people; first Daemon Targaryen in the year 109, both had been pardoned, then Laenor Velaryon in the year 112, he got executed and third Qyle Martell in the year of 114, both had been pardoned and fourth Harwin Strong in the year of 116, he mysteriously died in a fire) but it was not a happy marriage and didn't result with any children.

.Chapter V; The Dragon Queen, Baela I Targaryen

...The second Queen of Westeros, Baela I Targaryen had been sired by King Viserys and birthed by his third consort Laena in the year 110 in King's Landing. She ascended to the throne in the year 145, after the death of her sister Queen Rhaenyra I. She ruled for nine years and died in the year 151, in King's Landing from falling off her house. She never married and therefore never had children. It had been said that her distant cousin, Aethan Velaryon was her paramour but that relationship ended without heirs too. After her passing her paramour Lord Aethan Velaryon ascend to the throne but then got assassinated and their distant cousin Lord Royce Baratheon ascended to the throne therefore House Targaryen ended after nearly two centuries of ruling and House Baratheon's reign started.

.Chapter VI; The Lord of the Tides, Aethan I Velaryon

...The first and last Velaryon King of Westeros, Aethan I Velaryon had been sired by Jorgen Velaryon (the son of the controversial figure Vaemond Velaryon, brother of the Sea Snake) and birthed by Lady Calleras Celtigar in the year of 98. He ascended to the throne in the year of 151 after the death of Queen Baela I, since he was the closest family member in the succession but he died in the same year after an assassination attempt that had been caused by Marcher Lords. He was married to Lady Ellyn Baratheon but it was not a happy marriage and ended with no heirs to left. It had been speculated that it was she who was behind the deaths of the former Queen and the King. After him the Iron Throne passed to the other distant cousin, Royce Baratheon (because of the assassination a Great Council formed and they had chose a Westerosi ruler, not a Valyrian one) and Driftmark passed to his younger brother Corwyn. He then married with his brother's widow, the Lady Ellyn Baratheon.

.Chapter VII; The Storm King, Royce I Baratheon

...The first (for House Baratheon sympathizers the second, since they see him as the heir of his elder sister, Queen I Maris Baratheon) Baratheon King of Westeros, Royce I Baratheon had been sired by Borros Baratheon, the Lord of Storm's End and the Lord Paramount of the Stormlands and his wife, the Lady Elenda Caron in the year of 131. He ascended to the throne in the year 151, after the death of King Aethan I Velaryon (the Baratheon Dynasty does not recognize him, or the Queens Rhaenyra and Baela as legitimate monarchs but mere usurpers and bases their claim on Queen Maris I Baratheon with the Great Council's approvement). He ruled for 45 years, through wars and peace times. He had married Lady Ember Tyrell in the year 156. The marriage was fruitful for they had eight children in the span of 20 years. After her death during childbirth in the year 176, the realm's stability ended and the endless wars started. Now is known as the War of the Hundred Years. He died in the year 196 because of old age and wounds he got from countless battles he engaged in. But he had left the throne in favour of his eldest son and heir, Rogar, in the year 184 for he could not take the pain of losing his dear wife and soulmate.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2022 ⏰

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