Chapter 2

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                                                                  -Royal Knights Meeting Room-

"So Alphamon would you like to explain to us why the human known as Takumi is still here and not back in the Real world?" King Drasil questions her with a serious tone "Well for your information father he was stuck between both worlds portals and I just couldn't leave him there and it was his choice to stay because he wants to make sure he finished what he started and spread around the Digital world that there are good humans out there." She explains with some sass "Now that is done can we talk about what we are going to do with are missing Knight's." "Hmph...Alright you made your point Alphamon. So my other fellow Knight's I have gathered you here to talk about what we'll do with the open slots in are ranks-." "Now hold isn't there a way to bring back are old comrades King Drasil?" asks Gankoomon, interrupting him mid sentence "As far as I know there is no way to bring them back Gankoomon and that's why we need to find Mon's who can replace them." King Drasil replied sternly then all of a sudden Takumi jumped out of Aplamon's arms waving his hands to get everyone's attention "What is it Takumi?" Dukemon asked him with curiosity then all of a sudden Takumi started using sign language which confuse all the Royal Knight's (except King Drasil because he thought that he was born that way.) because they remember him talking so why the sudden change. "Uhh...Takumi I know what you're saying it's just why are you using sign language all of a sudden instead of talking to us?" Jesmon ask once his shock is overcome 'Well umm...It's a long story Arthur so all cut it short so it doesn't take to much of are time.' he tells him and slowly takes a deep breath in and exhales out 'So lets start from the beginning. Well after defeating Rie Kishibe or Crusadermon she told us Duftmon's plan about how he will destroyed Real world so we all re-grouped and decide on a plan where we'll drain him of his power with the help of the 4 hacker groups but first me, Kyoko, and Yuuko had to get on top of the roof of Metropolitan building because that's where Duftmon is so once we made it we ran into Arata who was still corrupted by being power hungry and once I beat him and save him Nokia came with Omegamon saying sorry she was late and told the hacker groups to start draining Duftmon of his power once that was all done we fought, but I didn't move in time during the fight and I had my Digimon's attacking him so none of them where near to protect me and I jump out of the way a bit to late so he got lucky and slit my vocal cords and well I pass out but from what I heard Kyoko went in full mother bear mode and attack Duftmon for hurting me.' Takumi explains to everyone about his situation "So that's what happen!" Dukemon exclaims with worry because he saw what happened. It's just that he doesn't remember it since his mind was fuzzy. "Alright now that Takumi's story has been told what was it again that you were trying to tell us about are fallen Knight's." Omegamon asks Takumi 'Yeah sure! Well as I was saying when I knew that I would have to face the royal knights and defeat some if I couldn't convince them so I decide that I keep scanning them as much as I can so that I would be able to convert them.' he explains to the others with a huge smile on his face "So that means you can bring them back!" Kentaurosmon asks, shocked if it's possible to bring them back. Takumi nods and pulls his digivice of his head and fiddles with it then all of sudden a bright light blinded all of them for a few seconds and sitting there on the round table are five digieggs with different patterns. While everything was happening King Drasil was thinking about what he will do with the diggeggs when all of a sudden he got an idea "Takumi I have been thinking and I would like you to take care of these digieggs to help them learn a lesson as punishment for the crimes they have committed and hopefully being with you will help change their view on humans as well." he tells him with serious and Takumi looks up and nods his head yes "Now let's move on with the rest of the meeting." King Drasil tells the others.

                                                                         - Few Hours Later -

"Alright I declare this meeting over!" King Drasil calls out and turns and leaves while the others go in different directions or stay and talk. As Takumi, Alphamon, and Omegamon walk out of the meeting room with the diggieggs in Takumi's arms "Alright Takumi I guess this is where we say goodbye for since I have a feeling you want to see your digimon's right." Aplhamon asks him and he turns to her and nods "Then listen well at the side of the tree castle there is a huge lake and across that lake is where all your digimon's have build a town while you were out I am sure one of your digimon will see you and pick you up so you won't have to walk the long distance so goodbye for now Takumi love you.'' She tells him as she and Omegamon head towards a different direction from the exit and as he watches them go he smiles then turns towards the exit and starts walking thinking of the new adventure that is about to begin and as the door opens the light outside shines on him noticing that the adventure has started.                                   

Digimon story cyber sleuth: Takumi stays in the digital worldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora