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"Avengers!" Steve walks purposely into the tower, falling forward when he trips over a stray shoe, "-Ow!"

"Patriotic Captain! I do apologize," Thor addresses the boot and lifts Steve by the shoulder, "What is the urgency?"

"Welcome back, Thor."

"Thank you."

Clint snacks on his trail mix and eyes the twosome, "Emergency? You need me?"

Steve gestures, "Everyone."

Clint throws his cashews, "I need to suit up."

"Cap!" Tony steps forward through the living space, "You look stressed-."

"It's an 'assemble'," Clint groans as he passes.

Tony laughs, eyeing Steve, "And if I politely turn down the request-."

"Say goodbye to Central Park," Steve reaches for his apartment key, "Where did I put that-."

"Alright,' Stark adjusts his top, 'I'll get the lovebirds."

"We have birds who fight alongside us?! How magnificent!" Thor claps.

"I'LL get them," Clint proclaims with a glare.

"Hulk too, Stringbean?" Tony snaps his fingers, "Cap?"


"We need a hulk too?"


"Then I should tell him-," Tony pushes Clint, "He likes me better."

"Ugh! Where are you going? They're in her room."

"Oops!" Tony presses the elevator button and waves, "See you on the field."

"Wait! I wish to see the birds!" Thor invites himself into the elevator.

"Thor!" Steve follows him inside as the doors close.

"Cramped! I'm cramped. Personal space," Clint grumbles and begins to prop himself on the walls.

"Oh good,' Tony groans, 'we brought the whole crew."

"Your fault."

"Hawkeye! I swear to god."

"Why are you here?! I get Thor is a lost puppy, but what's your excuse?!" Tony gently pushes Steve.

"I need my suit," he nudges back.

"She's going to kill you," Clint warns.

"Are they vicious birds?" Thor asks with a grin.

"He is."

Tony glares, "Take it back!"

The elevator dings before it opens, the foursome crowding each other unnecessarily.

Natasha has a hand in Banner's, opposite holding a coffee mug.

Bruce scoffs when Tony steps forward, "Rough morning?"

"Okay, now you take it back!"

"Duty calls. Meet downstairs in ten," Steve addresses the duo from the elevator.

"Ten minutes?!" Bruce questions.

"Clearly not an emergency," Natasha whispers.

"Do show me the birds, I wish to meet the lovebirds," Thor grumbles impatiently.

"Toda!" Clint extends his hand toward the twosome in the hall who refuse to unwrap their fingers from each other's.

Thor opens his arms, wraps Bruce into a hug and forces the duo to part;

"Congratulations on your new skill, my friend. I wager your wings are magnificent."

Tony's jaw drops, "You really think they're birds-."

"I need my suit," Natasha tilts her head and extends her hand.

Bruce reaches for his key to give her.

"Here," she shoves her coffee into Tony's chest in passing.

"Ewww! Why are you giving me your trash?!" The engineer whines.

"Bruce? Help me change?" She waits around the corner.

"Oh GOD," Clint darts quickly in the opposite direction.

"I will-!"

"Tony!" Bruce snaps, eyeing his friend with a bit more of an aggressive stare down.

Stark does a double take, "Right. Stepping back, I'm behaving..."

Thor taps his chin, "Now when you said, 'lovebirds', you didn't mean...was it another one of your nicknames, Stark?"

Tony pouts his lips and smirks, "No, they actually have wings now. You'll see. They split their time between reality and cloud 9."

"A new realm?"

"For them?! Nah! They've had a secret apartment there for a year now."

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