Chapter 26 - In the mountains of Italy

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Flashback (5 years ago [age 18] 21.09.2017)
The season is about to end and it was the best I ever had or more precise any climber. I am the most successful competition climber ever. And now the last few two competitions are coming up.

Anyways this is another big record I can get and especially something I want. This season I won every bouldering and lead competition. Until today, if I win today, I get the 'perfect season' nobody ever made that before. No man or woman, I'm the first one. 

"Angelica? Are you ready?" Thomas asked me carefully, he is my trainer since I'm little. He is one of the people, who know me really well, so he does this time. I only nod as an answer, when my hand is shaking heavily. "Hey, don't worry, you got this, I know you are going to be great!" he hugged me tightly, trying to calm me down. "Now come on, it is your time, show the world your ability"

First there was the boulder final and after that, the lead one. 
I won the boulder one and it made me feel fantastic, one step closer to winning every competition this season. After that there was a small break to regenerate some energy. I spent it with Thomas, who was again taming my nerves before the lead competition.

Then the time has come. The last contest of the season, I went out of the small waiting room for the athletes, with my belayer following me. Cheers erupted when I was visible and I waved at the crowd, my fans yelling my name and the neutral fans of this sport. 

Before I started to climb, I had looked it up and down making up a small plan in my head of how to do it. When I touched the first hold and my feet are lifted up from the ground, I feel how the voices of the audience, fans, friends and families fade. Only this sport and me.

Everything went well, I was nearly at the top, I hadn't slipped yet and still have a lot of energy in me. My feeling is also telling me that I have enough time to climb to the top without having to hurry. So I calmly kept climbing up, focused to place my feet in a position, in which they don't slip of the footstep. And then here I was, at the last move. 

It is a dynamic one to a big volume, so with all my power left, I took my courage and jumped up hoping to catch the hold. 

I did.

I quickly clipped the rope into the carabiner and could not believe it. "OH MY GOD!" this was my first reaction, I won. Automatically my hand let go of the hold and I fell a few meters before I felt the rope and myself luffing up and down. When my feet touched the ground, I promptly untied the figure eight and ran towards the crowd of people who were here for me. My best friends and family members. 

Tears of joy are running down when I looked up to my trainer Thomas. "You made it kid, I am so proud of you. I always knew you would win this today."

Also many others of the small group congratulated me, from Anthonie to Pierre, my brothers who all three gave me a bear hug or my supporting mum.

Also there was Seb, who was looking at me with a smile and his arms spread for a hug. "I am so grateful for you, thanks for coming and being such a support for me." "Oh sure Ane, I am sure he is extremely proud of you right now. Or actually both of them are."

Before the podium ceremony began, I could see who was also on podium with me. After all this I had no time to congratulate them. "Janja you are second?!" I exclaimed happily and ran towards her. "I am indeed only beaten by a few points, thanks to you" she laughed "But congratulation, you were incredible this season, no chance I could beat you." 

Also I saw Jessy, who came third and smiled at the Austrian. "Jessy congrats on third place!" "Oh thanks, you two were just out of everyone elses league. But you did so good this season, you absolutely had the perfect one!" she told me and we all three laughed together, before a lady called us to come out to the podium.

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