Bad Eggs

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I walked out the apartment in my workout clothes carrying my duffel bag headphones on listening to Judas and walked over to my car and got in

Jack: 🎵 I become, I become in the Judas in Judas in my mind🎵

I started her up and started pulling out the apartment before I saw Sam walking up to Miguel's apartment and ignored her seeing as it wasn't my problem

||| 3rd POV|||

Jack pulled up to the Miyagi-do dojo and put the car in park before stepping out grabbing his bag

Jack: This guy better be good.

He walked into the main dojo and  found Chozen on his knees meditating eyes closed breathing in and out slowly

Jack: *Sighs and mutters* You've got to be kidding me.

Chozen looked behind him and got up bowing forward before turning to Jack

Chozen: Glad you could make it, Jack-san.

Jack set his bag down and bowed to Choose who did the same

Jack: Glad I could.

He walked around looking at thr framed pictures and stopped at a little box where a toy drum was set inside and picked it up

Jack: Weird toys.

He played with it following its motion with his arms moving left and right

Chozen: May we begin?

Jack: Sorry about that. *Places the drum in its box* So, what are we doing today?

Chozen ushered him over and Jack walked up to him before he was caught off guard by Chozen grabbing him by the throat and placed right leg between the boy's legs and tripped him to the ground and reeled his left arm back and went for a punch stopping inches away from Jack's face

Chozen: Honor.

He got up and helped Jack up

Chozen: I was just like you when young. Fight to finish without honour. Let anger take over me but I see error in my ways. Learn to control my anger.

Jack nodded taking in everything Chozen said

Jack: All right.

Chozen nodded with a smile before Jack punched him in the face causing the man to stumble back

Jack: *Sighs* Control anger.

Chozen looked up holding his busted nose and Jack helped him up

Jack: Let's get started before the others get here

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