That disturbed feeling passed through her skin again, threatening to make her physically shiver. Luckily enough, it went away before Todoroki could notice Kawa's discomfort. "And what is your's..?"

The boy seemed to stiffen slightly, his right hand immediately shooting out to self-consciously rub his left arm. This didn't go unnoticed by the petite girl.

"Half-Hot Half-Cold," Todoroki cleared his throat, gesturing to his hands. "I can shoot flames with my left side and ice with my right."

Kawa froze, a deep pout residing on her face as she analyzed the cold student in front of her. The quirk itself was just a little too perfect to be completely coincidental.

She immediately assumed the worst possible explanation.

"Your quirk seems powerful indeed," Kawa began, pulling a long strand of lilac hair behind her ear. "Are you perhaps a.. product of a quirk marriage..?"

Todoroki seemed taken aback for a moment, a shocked expression on his face before it morphed into one of bitterness.

"I don't believe that's any of your business."

With a sigh, almost as if she knew how the conversation would play out, Kawa nodded. "I didn't wish to pry, but I think there's been a misunderstanding," she paused. "I was simply curious if there was another like me."

"..Like you?" Todoroki echoed, one of his hands lifting up to trace the noticeable scar on his face.

Unbeknownst to the boy, Kawa's fingers twitched slightly at his actions. If he noticed, Todoroki might've realized they were even more alike than he originally thought.

"..I will leave you be with this information," Kawa bowed respectfully, turning her heel and intaking a deep breath before approaching the other students.

She managed to catch the tail-end of their conversation.

"..don't understand how someone can have so much money..!?" The one with dark olive-colored hair exclaimed loudly, putting a hand on her hip as the light-haired student beside her nodded. "It's crazy man!"

"O-Oh..!" The tallest of the three, a girl with flowing black hair tied into a high ponytail, just laughed bashfully. "It's just normal for me, I suppose!"

Releasing the smallest cough in order to grab their attention, Kawa suddenly felt like quivering under the curious stares of the three students.

"..We have not been introduced to each other," Kawa stated matter-of-factly, immediately bowing her head as a show of respect toward the strangers. "I am Kawa Ejiri, a fellow recommended student."

"A cutie like you doesn't need to be so formal..!" The olive-haired girl cooed at the smaller, making little grabby hands as she introduced herself. "You can call me Setsuna Tokage!"

As if she couldn't contain herself any longer, Tokage reached up and pinched Kawa's cheeks, lightly pulling them so that her mouth would stretch uncomfortably.

The lilac-haired girl couldn't help but let out a whine, shoving Tokage's hands away with a sour look. She wasn't that cute, was she?

The lighter haired one from before suddenly sighed, pulling Tokage away from Kawa and shoving a hand in his pocket. "She doesn't know anything about personal space," he shrugged. "I'm Juzo Honenuki."

Kawa nodded, bowing her head slightly in the form of a silent greeting. She observed Honenuki a bit more, noticing how his mutation made it look like his teeth were outside of his face, earning the boy a more skeletal look. In Kawa's opinion, it looked menacingly cool.

The tallest girl, the one with black hair, offered Kawa a sweet smile, pulling her own hands to her chest in a polite manner.

"I'm Momo Yaoyorozu," she greeted, bowing her head as Kawa bowed her's. "I look forward to getting to know you..!"

"Likewise," Kawa replied curtly. "If you don't mind my asking, what are your quirks..?"

The trio of students looked at each other, agreeing in sync and laughing about it a second later. Kawa stared at them with a hint of confusion, ultimately ignoring the seed of bitterness that spread through her stomach.

"My quirk is Creation," Yaoyorozu started, lifting the sleeve of her shirt slightly. As she did that, her skin began to shimmer, revealing a small flower clip in which she softly clipped into Kawa's lilac hair. "As long as I know the molecular structure of something, I can recreate that object!"

Lifting a hand up to trace the clip in her hair, Kawa nodded respectfully. She could immediately tell that Yaoyorozu took the acknowledgment to heart, because it nearly seemed like she swelled with pride.

"My turn, my turn—!" Tokage exclaimed, making Kawa suppress the urge to jump in surprise at the girl's enthusiasm. "My quirk is called Lizard Tail Splitter, so I can essentially split my body into pieces and control said pieces!"

After that she grinned, her arms shot out toward Kawa, enveloping her into a tight hug. The girl grumbled, letting her own arms hang loosely by her sides. "..Let me go."

Tokage backed away, plastering a sheepish smile on her face before she stepped back. Beside her, Honenuki sighed.

"Do you even listen, Tokage?" He huffed, ignoring the mentioned girl's slightly offended look and turning toward Kawa. "My quirk is Softening, which allows me to soften any non-living thing with my touch."

After explaining each of their quirks, Kawa inhaled a deep breath. "My quirk is called Vocal Hypnosis. It allows me to manipulate others' actions with a vocal command."

Before anyone could say anything else, the small mouse principal that Kawa knew as Nezu entered the room.

"Welcome students!"

And then Kawa sat through a long introduction to U.A, in which she decided it was high time to dose off and pay attention to the scenery outside rather than the short principal.

But then a thought came to mind.

Maybe meeting all these new people wouldn't be as bad as she'd been raised to believe.


[ Word Count: 1386 ]

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