A Sleepless Night

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It was a slightly chilly night, most of the gaang had fallen asleep already but Sokka sat awake on the shores edge. It was very different from the shores back home, warmer and it was quieter too. The only sounds that could be heard were the occasional owl hooting, and the subtle splash of water on the shore. Recently Sokka had been feeling a lot of stress due to the impending battle with the Fire Nation, Aang was still training with Zuko, and it felt like the Fire lord was progressing faster than Aang could learn fire bending. Not to mention constantly running into Azula and her crew. Sokka sighed as he looked up to the full moon, the reminder of his first girlfriend someone taken from the world too soon. Sokka often awoke in the middle of night remembering that horrible night when Admiral Zhao viciously murdered the moon spirit, and moment that she took the place of the moon spirit in the sky. He took a deep breath as he stared up at the moon "Hey...Yue, I don't know if you can hear me or not, but I hope you're doing well...". "Things have been so stressful lately, and I don't know maybe talking to you will help". Sokka exhaled as he ran one hand through his hair, the other holding him up as he continued looking up at the moon which seemed to shine a little brighter tonight. " We have a few new members of the team now, including Zuko"! "He's not evil anymore and he's actually teaching Aang fire bending, I'm still a little weary though". "And his sister is totally evil she's been chasing us all around trying to kill us with Zuko's Ex-girlfriend, maybe girlfriend"? "The other new person to join our group is an earth bender named Toph, she's really talented but she can be kind of mean sometimes". "Oh, and I tried this water from a Cactus that we found in the middle of the desert, it was super tasty, but it made me feel all crazy and sick...". Sokka smiled looking up at the moon. "I also have been really confused about some of my feelings recently...". Sokka took a deep breath. "There's a girl I met a while ago actually before I met you, her name is Suki". "I think I like her more than a friend, but I also still like and miss you too". "It's all so confusing because she's super cool and she's a warrior too...". "Shes from a little island in the earth kingdom called Kyoshi". "Shes really kind and funny too...".  Sokka blushed slightly and gripped the loose sand. "I guess what I'm asking is do you think it's okay if I move on..." He looked away from the moon and looked down at his hands slightly trembling. "It's just that I miss you and I know that if you were still here things would be different, maybe you could have joined us on our journey". He looked up tears in his eyes "But you're not here anymore... and I don't know how to feel, is it okay for me to move on without you..."? Warm tears ran down his cheeks as he looked up into night sky, the water seemed to sway a little softer as if trying to calm the crying man before it. "I just wish that things were different...". " I will always miss you and care about you...I just..." He began softly sobbing. The water came to a stop and Sokka looked up noticing a fog rolling in faster than usual. "Sokka..." He looked up in shock as a gorgeous girl dressed in muted blues and silvers stood before him. "Yue...How, how are you here right now"? The tears kept rolling. "I don't have much time, but I wanted to see you and tell you a few things". She smiled softly kneeling before him. Sokka looked up at her still crying faintly. Yue placed her hands on his cheeks and wiped away his tears." It's okay Sokka... I want you to be happy and it seems like Suki brings you joy in some of these dark times". She smiled faintly. "I will always love you Sokka and I will always be here for you to talk to, but i can't be here for you to love"...  Sokka looked up at her tears rolling down his cheeks and onto Yue's hands, he smiled faintly. "I miss you every day...". "I know Sokka but it's not fair for you to keep loving something so far away...so out of reach". She smiled at him tears welling up. "It will be okay though". Sokka looked up at Yue as she placed a gentle kiss on his lips. Sokka placed his hands on her cheeks and kissed her back gently. "I have to go now Sokka, but you will be okay, and it's okay for you to move on...I will always be here for you..." She said as she began fading up into the night sky, the fog clearing and the water beginning to sway again in an all too familiar push and pull. Sokka smiled at the moon and exhaled. " Thank you, Yue... I will never forget you or any of the moments we have shared... Thank you for always being here for me..." Sokka said quietly admiring the soft glow of the moon, of his first love.  "Are you okay"? A faint female voice said from behind him. Sokka turned around to see Suki standing behind him sleepily rubbing her eyes. "Yeah...I just couldn't sleep" He offered her a smile as she offered him her hand. "Come on Sokka, let's go to bed" she smiled at him as he took her hand and stood up. They began walking back to their tent hand in hand,the moon glowing in the distance behind them.

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