She treats me like shit. Why do I like her anyway? I guess I like girls that are hard or impossible to get. My eyes traced every perfect curve of her body, igniting me inside before I turned to the speaker again too.

"All right, now, for a little bit of fun news" the speaker spoke again "management knows how hard you all have been working. And, you know, we wanna do a little something to say thank you, so I am pleased to announce that Purdue is starting a sales competition called The Topper's Contest. The sales rep that earns more money in the short time of a week selling only Oxycontin is gonna get an all-expense-paid trip to... Bermuda!" he clicked a button and the slideshow changed to a picture of a nice beach and a luxurious hotel in Bermuda. It looked like a nice place to go and I could really use a nice coastal vacation.

Amber's eyes shone when she saw the picture on the slideshow. Maybe I could help her win to get her attention. Everyone applauded and cheered in thanks for that opportunity, including me.

"All right, so everybody, get out there, you keep selling, and someone in this room is gonna end up with one hell of a tan" the speaker said, laughing and making the cheers grow wild again. I looked at where Amber was and her smile widened but she didn't even bother to look at me. Her eyes were fixed on the picture on the slideshow.

When the session was over Amber didn't complain or tell me off when I started to walk outside by her side but we didn't speak until she broke the silence when we were outside.

"Don't be offended when I tell you, I would jam a knife into your carotid artery to win that trip" she looked at me through her dark sunglasses and smiled innocently.

I laughed.

"Okay. Well, how about this?" I asked "We double our dose and we partner up. So if I win, you're my plus-one. And if you win, you take me"

"Or" she started without even looking at me, just straight ahead "I'll go with you if you win. And if I win, I'll go with someone else. How about that?" she looked at me just for a second to then walk towards her fancy car, just a few meters away.

"Yea, I mean, that's not really what I was going for" I looked away.

"Oh Sam, I think you're a riot, but I only fuck really hot guys and really rich guys. And you are neither hot nor rich, but you are fun" she walked around the car to get to the driver's door "Sort of sweet when you're not being a fucking douche, so let's just be friends, okay?" she leaned on the driver's side, towards me and I took a step closer to the passenger door "'Cause this one-sided sexual tension is getting tired"

I scoffed.

"I mean... can we be friends who fuck on the trip to Bermuda if I win the contest?" I dared to ask.

She tilted her head in thought.

"Well, I'll consider it"

She unlocked her car and then looked at my car, which was conveniently parked next to hers.

"Maybe it's time for an upgrade from that piece of shit" she said, pointing at my car before climbing into her own and driving away. I shrugged it off and drove away in my own car. Off to see Doctor Finnix and get him to sell more with the new info. I needed to win that contest so badly now.

We started talking and ended up talking a bit about me, just for him to feel a bit more comfortable around me.

"Do you have a girlfriend or what?" he went straight to the point, whoa man.

"No, no" I said, taking a bite of the hamburger I ordered in the restaurant we were in.

"No?" he asked.

High School Romance (Ava Max fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now