Chapter 1 A rude awakening

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A girl opens her eye, "Rose! Come down here! Breakfast is getting cold!" The girl sits up the sun shining upon her skin and bright pink hair. "Kay pops!" she grabs her eye patch and puts it on, she gets up and stretches in her pajamas that had heart patterns all over. She grabs two hair ties and goes to her vanity. She brushes out her hair and goes on her phone to a bunch of texts from her friends but instead of responding, she plays some music as she puts her hair into space buns. She smiles and goes to her closet as the song keeps playing.

They end up putting on a sweater with pastel prints on it and a white skirt, she then puts on some of what she called Lolita Boots and to finish the look off, pimple patches in different shapes like stars and hearts. "Rose!" "Coming!" Rose says annoyed and grabs her purse and phone running downstairs to one of her dad's, Chris, making breakfast. "Hey pops" Rose smiles, "There you are blossom! How are the pimple patches treating you?" he asks, "good" she responds with a smile.

"Well you're lucky it's the weekend, or else I would have had to drag you out of bed myself" he laughs as Rose sits down at the island, "ha, ha, pops. I know you wouldn't" Rose teases. "Where's dad today?" "Oh you know your father, just went to visit the Garrison" "Ugh! But the Garrison is sooooo boring" Rose whines. "It's not boring! You just haven't lived in the Garrison hun, then, you'll see" Chris warns. "Fine, can I go to Delaware? I promised the gang we'd meet up there" she asked, "Hmmm I don't know" Chris smirks. "Pops!" "fine fine, just bring some of this to your friends will ya?" He hands her a box of food, "Kay!"

Rose runs out the door and to the nearest warp portal and teleports to Beach City, Delaware. Meanwhile in the middle of nowhere New Mexico a girl with futuristic glasses, short green hair, and a lab coat was walking around with their mother Pidge. "Do you have all the numbers sweetie?" Pidge asks, looking at her, "yes mother" she swipes through the notes on her glasses. "Good, remember not to lose those ok?" "Mother, I was made to be a perfect child, I do not "lose" things" she responds.

"Oh Alexis, don't be like that, me and your mama never made you to be "perfect." There is no such thing. All we wanted was a child who can love and learn and grow, and guess what? We got a wonderful child who can do all that and more" Pidge smiles making Alexis emotionless face crack a smile a bit. "There's that smile!" Pidge kisses her cheek, "moooottthhheeerrr" Alexis groans annoyed.

"Fine I'll stop" she says as they keep walking, "y'know friends have invited me to go to Delaware to hang out with Aqua, is it ok if I skip today's chores and go?" "Sure dear, just come home for dinner ok?" Pidge asks as Alexis nods, running away to the warp pad outside the Garrison. "Wait!" her mothers face showed up on their glasses, "text me the numbers will you?" she asks, "already on it mother" she sends them and then continues to the pad.

"Move out of my damn way!" a girl with jet black hair and red jacket yells at a boy with shaggy black hair and black combat wear. The boy sticks his tongue out at her as he shouts fire from his feet and hands making him fly faster but the girl tries to catch up with her ice ramp. "Try and keep up frosty! But you will never beat the great, and powerful Elliot-AHHH!!" Elliot screams, almost hitting a rock but flying up above it in the nick of time.

The girl laughs, "not funny Frost!" Elliot yells as Frost keeps laughing as they cross the canyon and make it to the home stretch. "No!" Elliot catches up and they were nose to nose and they get stopped by a dust cloud, "kids!" they hear a voice shout. They cough and the dust clears to reveal their adopted father, Keith. "Oh no" they both say as their dad takes off his helmet, "how many times do I have to say this to you two?! NO leaving without my permission!" Keith yells.

"Well Aqua's dad lets her leave whenever she wants!" Elliot yells, "that's because Aqua's dad is an idiot!" he shouts. "Well I think he's pretty cool.." Frost mumbles, "oh and I'm not cool to you?!" he yells again. "No no, you're cool it's just Lance is a bit, cooler" "I ride a motorcycle!" he says. "You just don't get it dad.." Elliot sighs, Keith sighs, "just this once because I know you're safe there, and I guess cause Lance is sooo cool you can stay with him" Keith rolls his eyes and rides away before they book it to the pad.

"Jay! Order for table 45!" an alien yells to a boy, he was the son of the finest chef in the galaxy with long purple dreadlock braids and dark skin who was cooking. "Ze! How is that meat looking?" he shouts to another chef, "looking good chef Garrett!" Ze shouts back. "Perfect" Jay smirks putting some clear alcohol on the food causing fire to happen and then die down as he plates it. "45 is up!" Jay yells before he hears his dad's voice, "Jay! Backroom! Now!" the head chef Hunk yells.

Jay tosses his apron aside and runs to the back room, his hand turning into bear claws, "what's going on? Where is the danger?" Jay yells but just sees his dad unloading some things. "Woah woah Faʻafafine, calm down, I just need some help unloading" Hunk laughs as Jay sighs. He transforms his hands back into hands and starts helping him, "sooo how's everything going with Aqua?" Hunk teases as Jay rolls his eyes. "Dad, ze is just a girlfriend" Jay says, "you say that like it's a normal thing when she's your first girlfriend!" Hunk proclaimed.

Jay laughs a little, "well some of my friends invited me to Delaware" he says. " Delaware hm? Lance doesn't have the best taste" hunk laughs as Jay nods, "but I think what you're trying to say is, you want to go hang out?" Jay nods. "But it's fine, I can stay here for the time being and-" he's cut off by a large hand on his shoulder, "no no, you work too hard for someone your age, you need a break, and as your father and head chef. I allow you to take a break till 7:00, then you come home for dinner" Hunk smiles.mJay smiles and hugs him, "thanks dad!" Jay and Hunk finish getting the stuff inside before Jay grabs his things and runs out to the nearest warp pad.

As the light shines into a glass dome a girl with light blue hair the color of the sky wearing baggy clothes puts on a necklace along with a headdress made of leaves and flowers grown from her and her father's garden. "Aqua!" her father shouts, "yeah dad?" she shouts back, "can you come over here?" Aqua nods to herself and goes to find her father Lance cooking.

"Are you sure your friends are still coming today?" he asks, mixing around the meat in a pan, "mhm, they all agree that we would be meeting here for today-" they hear a crash. Aqua goes outside and sees all five staying outside with a broken flower pot, "sorry!" Rose says as Aqua smiles sweetly. "It's ok" Aqua takes some water from they're nearby watering can and shapes, moves, and connects the pieces of the broken pot back together.

"Come in now, my dad is making food in case you want any" she smiles as they all walk in. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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The marvelous misfits Aqua, Jay, Rose, Frost, Elliot, and AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now