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(This is primarily a story on my ao3, I just randomly decided to upload it here as well for more people to see. I have not touched this app in years and I may forget to upload here, so go check out my ao3)(also i would consider this kid friendly but there is swearing and violence so be warned)

At the border between dream and reality, the sea catches fire.

White, sparkling sand stretches across Edric's line of sight and he pushes himself off the ground, hurriedly brushing the particles from his skin and clothes. He is all too suddenly aware he is dreaming, even if the seaside breeze pushing his hair back and the fine sand under his feet feel all too real. It's unlike anything his unconscious has made up before, and it weighs strangely on his shoulders, tasting foreign on his tongue.

He looks to the horizon, the sun already dipping into the sea and leaving orange and red and scarlet in blue's place, and he's calm, even if he feels out of place.

Without thinking, he wades into the shore, cold sea water laps at his ankles insistently, the wet sand underneath him suddenly like dry concrete. The sea is dark and not very similar to the beaches he knows. There's something ominous and unsettling about it.

"Wh - who are you ?" A startled voice behind him demands.

He yelps and moves to run out of surprise, but his ankles catch each other and he smashes into the water. The sand melts away as he sinks, the black water heavy and pulling him down as an endless abyss has suddenly opened beneath him.

Edric tries calling for help but the air is empty from his lungs and thick sludge has lodged in his throat. He desperately tries to wake himself as panic seeps in, but his body only trashes uselessly and the light of the shore is now miles and miles away in every direction.

He squeezes his eyes shut, even if the darkness matches his reality. He closes them and waits for something. Morning to come, a miracle to come true, something to grasp. He reaches his hand, cold and empty and dying.

Something brushes past his fingertips and his eyes shoot open, staring blurry-eyed through the darkness to see a face, a boy around his age, golden hair and scarlet eyes staring into his own. He moves his hand forward and hesitantly places it in Edric's, gentle and unsure. Edric is hyper aware of the contact, he feels calm in a world of choking water.

Edric's back hits ground and the seawater crashes down, the entire weight of it flattening him against the sand until it all is gone back into the ocean. Air returns around him and he sits up, his clothes and hair dry again somehow. Water and sand shoot up his throat and he heaves it all out, forgetting the boy whose hand is still clutched in his.

"What- Who are you and what are you doing here?" The boy demands again, more persistent this time, face twisting into a scowl as he yanks his hand away.

Edric looks up and forms a comeback but immediately forgets what he was going to say. The boy is absurdly pretty, even frowning. His nose hooked and eyes like daggers, a pink scar splitting his jawline and a strand of blonde hair falling over his eyes. Jagged, like broken glass.

Annoyance blooms in Edric's chest, as well as something else, something he cannot name.

"I'm dreaming," Edric shrugs, indifferent to the boy's anger. "I tried waking up but I couldn't. Not much I can do here, you know."

The boy blinks, anger melting into surprise. "Y -your dream? This is my dream! I've been alone in this nightmare since I could remember, this is impossible."

Edric grins, and then laughs. "You're not a figment of my imagination then, pretty boy?"

"You're invading my head! This is sacrilege!" The boy barks, his hands rushing to cover his heating cheeks.

Like Real People Do (GOLDRIC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin