S1 Ep 22: Journey to Regionals

Start from the beginning

Gabriela turned to look at Santana, who looked back at her and smiled. The two had become really close and it was glee that had really contributed to that.

"Rachel, you had something to say?" Mr Shue asked her.

"Just that we're all really glad you didn't become an accountant." She joked

"Regionals... here we come."


The New Directions sat in the greenroom listening to Aural intensity sing a mashup of Olivia Newton John and Josh Groban, who just so happened to be judges.

"Guys we can't get distracted by what the other teams are doing." Rachel told them

"We just gotta keep our heads in the game and focus." Finn added trying to lift their spirits.

"Even though we know we can't win?" Santana asked the two

"Yes. If this is only about winning to you guys, then I owe you an apology because I've failed you and we should all go home because we've already lost. Besides, we've got something the other groups don't." Mr Shue came in and said.

"What exactly is that?" Gabriela asked the man.

"Finn's dancing." He replied making the kids laugh. "Now lets get out there, Aural intensity is almost finished."

Everyone put their hands together before lifting them up and cheering.

"Hey. We got this." Santana told Gabriela.

"Yup. I hope." She replied before standing next to Quinn.

Rachel and Finn performed their ballad first.

The curtains raised to reveal the rest of the New Directions. As Finn and Rachel finished they stood by the rest of the club, the crowd screaming for them.

Majority of the crowd stood dancing with them. The New directions faced their backs toward the crowd before starting the next song.

When the final song ended everyone got up and cheered for them. They ran off the stage to celebrate. Gabriela turned around to see Quinn speaking to her mother.

Everyone in the Glee Club ran as Quinn was pushed by Puck in a wheelchair.

"Wait. I want Gabriela and Mercedes with me too." Quinn said grabbing their hands.

Gabriela tried to calm Quinn down, her mom and Mercedes on the other side helping. Puck stood to the side not knowing what to do.

"Come on baby, push." Quinn's mother told her.

"You got this Quinn, push." Gabriela also encouraged.

There were multiple instances where she thought her ears were gonna bleed due to all of Quinn's screams. In the end it was worth it however.

When they brought Quinn her baby, she had the most sincere look of happiness Gabby had ever seen. Tears started to build up in her eyes.

"Congratulations Quinni" She told the blonde.


"Thank you all for coming." Sue spoke in th mic. "As we know Glee is a very important... And i can't honestly even finish that sentence, so let's just get to it."

"The 2010 Midwest Regional runner-ups, from Port Wayne, Indiana, the not-at-all stupidly named Aural intensity." Sue announced.

"And now, your 2010 showchoir Midwest Regional champions....Vocal adrenaline."

"We didn't even place." Artie said in despair.


"So, we have something we need to say to you." Rachel told Mr Shuester.

"In the beginning of this year, I was just another football player." Matt said starting off.

"I had a stutter." Tina said. "I was a closeted diva." "I used to be captain of the Cheerios." "I was afraid to dance outside of my room."

"I hated everyone in this club." Santana said. "So did I." Brittany added.

"I was a new girl trying to find a place in this school." Gabriela told him

"I wasn't honest about who i was." Kurt said referring to his sexuality.

"I was tossing kids into dumpsters." "I had never kissed a girl before." "I was getting slusheed."

"I didn't- I didn't have a father. Someone i could look up to... model myself after. Someone who could show me what it really meant to be a man." Finn said.

"We don't care what the judges say. We won... because we had you as a teacher." Rachel told the man.

"Glee club will never end, Mr Shue because... you are Glee Club, and you're in all of us now." Mercedes was on the verge of tears.

By the end of the song, all the New directions were crying, as well as Sue, whom nobody saw in the corner.


"We've go another year." William Shuester said breaking the silence in the Glee club.

"Did I hear that properly?" Gabriela turned to Santana and asked.

"Come on! We've got another year" He repeated confirming her suspicions.

Everyone began screaming and jumping around. Gabriela hugged Mike, Matt, Brittany and Santana before moving to Quinn and hugging her as well.

"Okay guys, I think this is the perfect opportunity to start rehearsing for next years sectionals." Rachel said before Mr Shue interrupted her.

"Oh come on! You guys worked hard this year.Have a break. Take the summer off. Do something fun." He encouraged. But not before singing a song for them

Santana put her pinky up to connect it with Gabriela's. The two best friends smiling at each other before turning their focus foward again.


"Hola mija." Gabriela's step father greeted.

She ran up to them both and wrapped them in a tight hug. She hadn't seen them or felt their presence in forever.

"I missed you." She told them.

"We missed you too honey." Her mother assured her.

"It's unfortunate that you're only going to be spending a week here." She sighed.

"Well, we were thinking, since its summer break..." Camila turned to look at her husband. "Maybe you could come spend spring break with us, in California? If you want to obviously" She asked

"Yes. I'd love to." Gabriela replied jumping up and down.

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