Chapter 5: BFFLUITDOMS Part I

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I glanced down at her. Her expression was frank and her posture relaxed. She wasn't saying it just to reassure me.

"Hmph," I finally grunted.

She sighed, pressing a kiss to my bicep. "Draco, I just want you to know how proud I am of you for putting on a good face for Annie today."

I knew why she chose this particular moment to tell me that—preemptively reminding me that she was proud of me, the rip in my proverbial invisibility cloak, prevented me from saying or doing anything nasty today that would somehow un-earn her pride. It was clever and entirely Slytherin, but I also knew she was still being sincere. Secretly, it was what I needed to hear.


Both our heads snapped up in concern, but Annie was smiling.

"Look at this trim!" She picked up a napkin and held it up. "It's beautiful—pearls!"

Winking at me, Hermione went to join Annie.

Still dissatisfied but a little calmer, I settled in near a marble column topped with a vase of pink roses to silently observe them in relation to the rest of the  room. I couldn't care less what frills they ultimately decided on—whatever made Annie happiest I was fine with—but until I figured out where this vague magic was coming from, I wouldn't be able to relax. And until then, I would count the exits and generally be uncomfortable.

"I love how they did this!" Annie admired, touching another display gently.

"Annie—what do you think of this place setting?" Hermione inquired.

"It's gorgeous—!"

"That china also comes in a wonderful Sara Lee yellow," a clear, cheerful voice observed behind us.

I turned my head. A grinning Chinese man in a navy suit extended a hand to Hermione. I regarded him with a faint frown. He wore silver horn-rimmed glasses and a lemon-colored kerchief was tucked into the lapel pocket.

"Hello," Hermione greeted. "You must be Franck?"

The man laughed sparklingly. "I wish! I'm Franck's assistant, Howard Weinstein."

She gave him a pleasant, understanding smile. "Oh, I see! I'm Hermione Malfoy, it's nice to meet you!"

"Hello," Howard purred. I frowned harder.

"And this is Annie Malfoy, the bride..."

Howard shook Annie's hand even more eagerly. "Hel-lo!"


"And my husband," she introduced last, "Draco Malfoy."

I reached around Hermione from where I stood behind the both of them and shook Howard's hand. Although he was Franck's assistant, it was still a businessman's handshake—smart and firm. I knew instantly that he wasn't a wizard, but he didn't seem to have any hidden intentions beyond being helpful or asking if we wanted something to drink.

"May I offer you any refreshments? Pellegrino, espresso? Champagne?" Howard winked, oblivious to the thorough magical background check he had just been subjected to.

Annie nodded her head with a smile, and Hermione glanced back at me to silently ask if I wanted some.

I shook my head shortly. The idea of not being alert as possible set my teeth on edge. "I'm fine. Enjoy yourselves."

"Then I would love some champagne, too," Hermione smiled.

"You got it. I'll alert the boss that you're here. Look around!" Howard encouraged. "Have fun."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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