𝒜 𝓁ℴ𝓃ℊ 𝓁ℴ𝓈𝓉 𝒯𝒶𝓁ℯ

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I'm sorry for not posting much, is just that this story is more like a hobby/break from my actual book. Its just a random story that realives my stress. And I don't post regularly because of that ok? Ok. thank youuuuu

This is Meiying back story, you guys don't need to read this BUT if you do, you guys can use as a back-story for this story too ^^

Also, I'm trying my best to not put her backstory in the main story. I want you all to choose what element she is, what happen to her etc etc. The only thing that you guys can't change is that she is an Adepti that helps people with insomnia (Adepti of dreams).


There was this tale told among the people from a quite big village, about an adepti abode who could concede dreams to become reality. Of course this was mostly a tale for children, but even adults believe in it, it was told for everyone that Adepti protected everyone in the village and she was their guardian, keeping them safe from bad luck, bad dreams and even demons.

One particular night, there was this young thief, who was in mourning for his long lost little sister, he more than anyone wanted to find that realm. He needed t find that realm, for his long lost sister and for himself.

After weeks of trying to look for the entrance, he was almost losing hope. Tired and hungry, he decided to shelter under a tree to have a break. Needless to say he fell inside of what seems to be a rabbit hole, and he fell until he reached the end.

The adepti that lived there saw his wish, pitying the human, she transformed herself. Blooming out of a flower, she was still sleeping, she was always there but no one ever found her, and she was too scared to wake up and see the world around her. So there inside her "egg" she stayed until it started hatch, she was conscious of the human, she was in a sleep-wake state of body.

The thief was mesmerized by the place, it moved by itself, it transformed before his eyes, it was truly the realm of dreams. Anything that a person can imagine becomes true inside that place. The adepti girl was observing the young thief in her sleeping state. She is the owner of that place, she can do whatever she wants there.

She saw inside his heart, how much grief and regret he has, he just wants his sister back. But that is a dream that even she can't grant. But his wish was so strong that she did her best.

The young human soon notice the flower in a almost egg form opening itself and seeing a young little girl sleeping inside of it, she was beautiful, her long white hair all around, her skin almost shining, she looked so defenseless and pure. Wanting to approach the adepti kid, he made too much noise awaking the small girl.

-"Who are you?" - Soon asked the girl, after adjusting with the lighting. Her memories of why she awoke and her emotions of pity fated once she was awake, the only phrase in her mind was "Help him"

The human, by his turn to respond, couldn't open his mouth. He was too stunned to speak, by that the adepti child laughed, oh how the sound of her laugh sue his grief and loneliness, how much that laugh sounded just like his sister.

- "I-I'm here to ask for a dream to be real" - he finally spoke after her laugh died down.

- "Ah yes, the 'me' in dreams told me that... Lots of humans try to find this place, yet you are the first human to have found it. Tell me how could you find the entrance to my realm? - Asked the little girl

Adepti Love  (unfinished first version)Where stories live. Discover now