𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙧.

Start from the beginning

"Yes, is there a problem?" he replied back while he reached for Viserra's hand, a bit worried his mother would send him away as it was typically just her, Viserra, and Helaena together for tea.

"No, no I am just a bit surprised," she gave him a small smile and directed one of the servants to pour him a cup of tea.

"Brother, do you know where I will find Aemond?" Helaena asked from her seat and took one last sip from her cup.

"I believe he has just come back from a morning ride with Vhagar not too long ago, so he will be either in the training grounds or the kitchen sneaking some food," he answered the younger girl.

"May I be excused, Mother?" Helaena asked Alicent who nodded off allowing her to get up from her seat and exit the room in search of Aemond.

As much as Alicent hated to admit the bond between Aemond and Helaena, the connection the two had built with each other was undeniable. One could wonder what would have happened if Alicent agreed with Rhaenyra to marry Jacaerys to Helaena all those years ago the same way Viserra would soon be married to Aegon. Alicent held this thought in the back of her mind as she looked over to the pair sitting close to her who were chatting amongst themselves while she collected her thoughts.

"How are you two feeling?" she broke their attention away from each other. "I know it must be nerve-wracking for your marriage to be so soon."

"I am not as nervous as I originally thought I would be," Viserra smiled as she tightened her grip on Aegon's hand.

"I am quite excited actually," Aegon grinned back at his mother.

"I am glad to hear that from the both of you," Alicent returned a smile. "I am sure, Aegon was looking for you to show you something, you both may go now."

"Thank you, Mother," Aegon said while he pulled Viserra out of her chair and tugged on her hand as he led them to the door.

"Goodbye, Alicent!" Viserra yelped as she tried to keep up with Aegon.


"Aegon, what is with the haste?"

"Father wanted to speak with you about Rhaenyra. A raven has arrived from Dragonstone," Aegon answered her question as they walked side by side heading for the King's chambers. He glanced at her noticing how she kept her gaze on the floor. "Serra, are you alright?"

"Are you sure it is from my mother?" she whispered not wanting to believe his words or more so believe that her mother had actually written to her after all this time.

They reached Visery's doors and waited for the guards to open them, "That is what Father said."

"It seems as if Aegon finally found you, Viserra," Viserys teased the both of them when he noticed the pair enter through the doors. "Though it did take quite some time..."

"Father, I tried looking for her, but she was at tea with Mother and Helaena," Aegon explained to him.

"Oh dear, you did not mention to your mother that I am the reason you interrupted their tea time? Right?!" Viserys yelped taking Aegon by the shoulders and shaking him.

"Oh to the gods, no, of course not, even I have a better chance in avoiding Mother's wrath than you, Father," Aegon told him letting out a slight laugh at his father's antics.

"Oh, thank you, my boy. I cannot handle any more stress than what my eldest has given me," Viserys breathed out.

"What of my mother?" Viserra voiced out as she held one of Viserys' sculptures giving it a light dusting.

"She sends word of her newest child, you have another brother now. But she also questions your wedding," Viserys informed her.

"Another?" Viserra scoffed putting the sculpture down. She walked closer to her grandfather to meet his eye. "They are no brothers of mine," she spat out angrily when her mind went back to thinking about her father who was just a means to an end for Rhaenyra and Daemon.

"What does she want to know about the wedding?" Aegon questioned.

"When it is so they could return to King's Landing."

"Have you responded to her letter, Grandfather?"

"No, I have not," he answered as he handed the letter to Viserra. "I assumed you would want to be the one to reply to her after all this time."

"If I do not respond to her?"

"That decision is up to you, my dear. I will never force you to do anything," Viserys gave her a small smile. "Just remember that it is better to confront the problem ahead of you instead of waiting for it to approach you."

Aegon could tell the Viserra was stuck inside her mind as she was conflicted with her thoughts. From outside you could listen to the roars of Silverwing noticing her rider's angst. He pulled Viserra to his side while he looked back at his father. "If you will excuse us, Father."

"Of course, you both may go," Viserys nodded them off returning back to his sculptures.


"I do not wish for them to return here," Viserra told Aegon while they walked through the garden.

"I believe that no one actually wants them here, my love."

"Aegon, what did I do to deserve this?"

"You did nothing to ever deserve what she did to you."

"After everything that has happened, you would think they would finally take notice that they lost their little game of power," she spoke out. "But no they choose to live in a cloud of denial believing they are still the ones with the upper hand."

"You do not have to prove anything to them, you know?" Aegon reminded Viserra.

"Sometimes people need a reminder of their placement."

⌜𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐬!⌟

I'M BACK!! exams and torment are finally over and break is here:) i'm sorry for taking so long to update, but hopefully, updates will come out sooner with the break!

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