Uncharted Territory

Start from the beginning

Luke: "Which I have apologized for. In more ways than one might I remind you." he hums, a knowing smirk on his face which makes Theo laugh, shaking his head with a soft look on his face

Theo: "On behalf of 51 we would love to have Cameron shadow us."

Luke: "Thank you" he smiles, leaning forward to press a kiss to his lips, pausing midway when his pager goes off "Duty calls."

Theo: "Mm-hmm." he hums, pressing a quick kiss to his lips, waving as Luke hurries towards the entrance


Paramedic: "Ricky wade, GCS 15, vitals stable." Luke hears as he moves towards the gurney

Maggie: "You're going to Treatment 4, Dr. Maxwell."

Paramedic: "Trauma to the left ear with hematoma, multiple dislocated fingers, expanding hematoma of the anterior thigh. Refused the board and collar."

Ricky: "I'm not a cripple. I could'a walked."

Luke: "Life of MMA, right. Feel no pain" he scoffs, shaking his head "Any loss of consciousness? Dizziness?"

Ricky: "Hell no. That bitch barely connected."

Paramedic: "Cage doc called the fight. Said it was a freakin' bloodbath."

Luke: "All right. Let's get an I.V. in him, then a gram of ancef" he nods to a nurse, hurrying out the room once the ambulance doors open once more "The opponent?"

Maggie: "Yep. You're going to Treatment 3."

Luke: "Thanks."

Paramedic 2: "Cyrus Hammad. GCS 15. Significant swelling to his left eye and bruising on the right flank. No loss of consciousness, but the fight doc wanted to have him looked at anyway."

Ricky: "You're lucky that doc stopped the fight" he calls out as the gurney passes his room "I would've pounded you into a living-"

Luke: "Hey! Not in the cage anymore, huh? Give it a rest" he orders, giving him a hard look "History and physical and let's page neuro for an exam."

Jeff: "Got it. I'll shout if I need you."

Aamir: "Excuse me" he greets, hurrying over to where Maggie stands "I'm looking for my brother, Cyrus Hammad."

Ike: "Cheating-ass punks" he grits, storming into the room "What did you do? Grease some palms? You know your bro was getting his ass beat."

Maggie: "I'm gonna need security in the ED" she mutters into her phone, perking up when the two men begin fighting "Dr. Maxwell!" she calls out as Luke and Jeff rush out the treatment rooms "Chill out!" she exclaims once the pair are broken apart

Luke: "Walk away." he orders, pushing Ike away as he motions down the hall


Luke: "Definitely swollen" he hums, looking at a large bruise on Ricky's leg "Let's get some ice on his thigh and hands."

Ike: "Had that A-rab eating mat in the first round. Should'a stomped him into oblivion."

Mark: "You've got a lot of blood in your ear, Mr. Wade. I need to release the pressure around the cartilage or it will cauliflower."

Ricky: "Skip the lido. Last thing I need's a mile-long hospital bill."

Mark: "Gonna hurt like a bitch" he warns, shrugging as Ricky turns his head to give him a hard look "Suit yourself."

Ricky: "Aah! Damn it, that hurts like a mother." he grits, groaning in pain

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