Meet Amber Underwood

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Amber underwood from known for her intelligence, fashion statement, and amazing looks, she never leaves the house without looking good and having all eyes on her. Always rocking heels unless she's at home then she's rocking her slides, hair always in her signature hairstyle, a ponytail easy and quick with her long blonde hair, she only takes her hair down if she's just at home doing nothing, mixed, 18, is shorter then rick without heels. Has the biggest closet out of her brothers and friends since she design half of her clothes, but if she don't find anything to create or wear, she shop in her favorite mall till they close. She has one tattoo of her name and a heart necklace with her and her boothang marcus bleu initial on it, with her never taking it off to let everyone around her know that she's taken. cheerleader captain, Grades, staying at the top of the school, tries not to get into fights but with having he brother she has, she's going to be fighting, getting arrested a lot.

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