"They were talking about me, Percy. I'm the definite outsider, a Greek in a Roman camp. These people don't know you."

"I don't know me."

Kade sighed at Percy's response, feeling really bad for him.

"You'll get your memory back Percy, I promise."

Percy just scoffed. They had stopped in the middle of camp, there were rows of shops all with advertisements. Percy's eyes traveled to the most impressive building, a two story wedge of white marble that looked like an old bank. There were guards standing out front and a purple banner hung over the doorway. The gold letters on it spelling out SPQR were embroidered inside of a laurel wreath.

"Your headquarters?" Percy asked, crossing his arms.

Reyna turned and faced him, her eyes still cold and hostile toward him. "It's called the principia." She then turned her eyes on a mob of campers behind their group, all of them curious about Percy and Kade. They had followed them all the way from the river. "Everyone back to your duties. I'll give you an update at evening muster. Remember, we have war games after dinner."

Percy and Kade both brightened at the mention of dinner, Percy's stomach growling at the idea. Kade snorted and held his hands up in defense when Percy glowered at him. The crowd behind them left reluctantly. Some of them making comments about Percy's fate and Kade being Greek. Percy didn't react but Kade made sure to rumble the ground under their feet causing them to trip. He did so again when he heard another group of campers taking shots at Frank and Hazel as well.

"Hazel," Reyna began. "Come with us. I want your report on what happened at the gates."

"Me too?" Frank questioned. "Kade and Percy saved my life. We've got to let them-"

Reyna cut Frank off with just a look, making him take a step back.

"I remind you, Frank Zhang," she said. "You are on probatio yourself . You've caused enough trouble this week."

Frank flushed in embarrassment, Kade placed a hand on his shoulder to show him some support. Frank smiled and fiddled with this necklace wrapped around his neck.

"Go to the armory," Reyna continued, ignoring the look that Kade was shooting at her. "Check our inventory. I'll call you if I need you."

"But-" Frank had started, wanting to help Kade and Percy some more. But he caught himself not wanting to argue with Reyna. He confirmed that he would go ahead to the armory and went on his way.

"You know Frank would probably work better with encouragement instead of you being so cold with him. He gets made fun of enough by the other campers, you aren't doing anything to boost his confidence." Kade told Reyna, matching her cold energy. However the girl paid him no mind and waved him, Hazel, and Percy toward the headquarters.

"Now, Percy Jackson, let's see if we can improve your memory. Kade Drewitt, let's see if we can find your brother as well."

The principia was quite an impressive building, the inside being better than the outside. Percy looked around at everything, his eyes catching on a stairwell blocked by a row of iron bars. Kade just sighed and tried to find some patience. He had already seen the inside of the building thousands of times in the time loop Hera had shoved him in. He had a feeling he wouldn't be seeing Nico for a while, but Kade was kind of glad about that. It gave him some time to really plan out what he wanted to say, Nico wasn't very trusting of others, and rightfully so.

Kade knew that nobody really trusted him here at Camp Jupiter because he's Greek and 'creepy'. Although from what he had seen in his time loop, Nico had a good relationship with Hazel and a blonde boy that Kade was pretty sure was named Elias. He just hoped he could have a good relationship with his brother as well, and hopefully find out what had happened to Bianca as well. Kade had been stuck in a time loop for 73 years, being shown every possible future of his life and not once had he seen Bianca. Kade was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard dogs barking.

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