All in one

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Credit to colm mcginess music on YouTube.
A/N; I seem to have found my way into another fandom this one I realised needs more tommy pirate AU's so I said fuck it and made my own. Feel free to comment. I love reading what you guys think while reading my books. This took quite some time to render and I hope you like it.
I'm going to try to link fun songs to listen to while you read. Enjoy :)

Now Tommy was definitely used to loss and betrayal, even hate, sorrow, death. None of the things a sixteen year old should truly know the feeling of. Even being forced to grind for food and resources, the betrayal of his best friend and both older brothers. Over time all the pain just built up and built up until it overflowed, he just felt nothing; it was an array of all the emotions he had ever felt. As he sat there on his little tower in the sky sitting above the land with potholes and dents from explosives. He just laid there wondering how he could escape from all his pain and fear.
"Damn it all, this world really hates me doesn't it?" he wondered aloud. Now laying on his back, head and legs both dangling off opposite sides of the massive dirt pillar. Lifting his head just high enough to see the night sky he could faintly see the bright twinkling of the stars in the array of black. A small flash of light snapped him out of his own thoughts, "What the he-" A shooting star shot across the sky and off in the direction of the ocean. You could see the star light up his eyes as they trailed its long but fast path.
"Woah..." In awe he sat up to see if there were more of the twinkling wonders. He saw a few more, only two or three all in the same direction, falling gracefully towards the horizon over the big blue mass of the ocean. Looking at the ground he sighed, "How am I supposed to get down before morning"? He looked at the water "I wonder if I can still swim." The water was a little bit far from the tower he had built but it was still manageable to land in. Somewhat recklessly and very lazily he jumped haphazardly into the water barely making it with his last life. Seeing as he had barely made it he jumped out of the water soaking wet and cheered a little. He walked over to his little hole in the ground and laid down for the night ready to make a plan once morning came.
When morning finally did come he sat up on the ground muddy with long mangled locks, after all he was yet to get a haircut."That was the one of the better, out of all the nights I've spent out here by myself"  he thought. Getting up he dusted himself off and walked over to the little trees that he had left, All the grinding did was lead to explosions anyways might as well make use of what's left. As he gathered all the spare wood he could hold in his inventory he made a crafting table and crafted a boat hoping to use it to get back to the mainland. By crafted I mean he grabbed the bigger splinters of the logs from log'stedshire and tied them together with thick grass and clay mixed with mud, setting it out in the sun for a few hours let it harden. As the raft set he grabbed a giant tree branch from a tree that was still remaining and made an oar. By noon he had found some non-poisonous berries on the ground and put those in his inventory."Made a fair amount of progress this morning." Thinking led him wondering when Dream would come and check on him again after all "it had been a week".  What Dream thought was that blowing up his things like that had left Tommy in despair waiting for him to come back so he could beg him to stay with him because of how lonely he was. "Tommy will think twice before crossing me next time I 'visit'." He thought. He had left him there to go tell Tubbo_ his weekly report and he needed to put on quite a show if he wanted Tubbo_ to extend Tommys exile. As he walked to the office he had made sure to get in a fight with some skeletons and piglins in the nether, before he went to make the wound convincing. Limping his way to the young president's house he knocked on the door. Scrambling could be heard on the other side before a tired "Coming!" rang through the house's top window. Tubbo soon opened the door to see a slightly beaten Dream with bruises and small bloody cuts everywhere. "Dream! Are you alright? Come in, I'll get you some potions and food." "T-thank you Tubbo_." Tubbo frantically ran around the massive presidential building grabbing all the healing stuff he thought could help Dream. "Here these should help enough"" thank you Tubbo again."
"Who Did this Dream? How did it happen?"Dream sputtered for a bit going on about how he went to check on Tommy and help him build his house but instead Tommy led him into a secret room in his house and attacked him. Even though none of the above was one hundred percent true.
Tommy didn't know how much longer he could wait to leave the hell hole that was his exile. After all, the tower was still standing tall in its intimidating glory. He looked at the raft then at the sky, it was around noon. "It's now or never" he thought to himself. With all the massive and tiring amounts of grinding he had done for the last week he had managed to get a nametag. He had ventured out far into the mountain and found a mineshaft that was old and abandoned, raiding the place provided him with some nice metals, a saddle, a lead  and a few nametags. Waiting till night he let the mobs spawn, he named one of them Tommyinnit with one of the few nametags he had gotten while in the mines. He then used the lead to trap the zombie on the top of the tower he had previously made for himself. Hoping it would work if he pushed it off the top of the tower, after he would do that he had twelve hours to get as far away from there as possible. He then ran to the raft with all his rations and pushed it into the water and set "sail" rowing like his life depended on it (cause it really did in a way.) he looked to the stars for guidance memorizing all the familiar formations from log'seadshire, already he had done the same with the ones from the Greater SMP. By morning he could not see the mainland any more; he had rowed to the point where he could hardly feel his own arms by the end. He sat holding the makeshift oar in his lap while he took out a piece of stale bread and munched on it while he tried to figure out where the hell he was."Finally I'm free from everything" he sighed looking to the horizon. On wobbly legs he stood up and almost lost his balance a few times but then he just cheered and yelled in a manner of great achievement. He sat back down to steer for anywhere but where he had come from leaving it all behind and creating a new life for himself.

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