First meeting

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I rolled my eyes at my teacher as she explained everything about the Boston tea party and the rebels and King George. Not once have I ever studied this but I get it, I understand it all. The bell rang signalling the end of class and that we could finally go home. I threw everything into my book bag and started to head out to my car when I was stopped by the woman who had been watching over me since my parents death. "Lena! Wait!" She yelled
"Yes?" I asked as I pushed my red hair behind my ear.
"Your father! We've located him." She said, I took a deep breath and looked away.
"My father, okay so what does this mean?" I asked
"It means you go home and we can pack up your things and send you home with him." She said a smile plastered onto her face. "Isn't this great!"
"Yeah perfect." I mumbled as I rolled my eyes at her, she sighed and hugged me.
"Come on let's get you home, I already packed all your stuff up and now we just need to get you home. And I have his address and he was informed that you are going home." She squealed as she ushered me into the car. When we got home she ran in and grabbed my bags and then we were off to my dad's.
I got out of the car and grabbed my two bags, all I had because the fire ruined everything else. I slowly walked up to the door and rang the door bell, when no one answered I looked back to see if my care taker was still there but she wasn't, I sighed and walked into the grand house. It was huge I will give it that and beautiful. I dropped my bags as I looked around, a guy in a suit walked up to me. He was older and definitely not my father. "Hello young lady may I help you?" He asked
"I'm um just looking for my dad." I chocked out
"Oh are you Miss Tyler?" He asked and I nodded, he directed me over to a small office as he took my bags. I took out my head phones and walked over to the door, I walked in to see my father on the phone yelling at who ever it was on the other line.
"I don't care Carrel! I didn't even know!" He yelled, I flinched back as he continued to yell. I finally adjusted to his yelling. "She is my daughter okay? I know that! But how was I supposed to know she even existed!" I shook my head and walked over to him and grabbed his phone out of his hands.
"Hello yes this is his daughter that he never knew existed, and Im telling you to shut the hell up! I don't know who you are but you can stop right there lady! My mom is dead! My twin sister is dead and you aren't making this any easier for me! So shut up and don't call again until I say so!" I screamed into the phone and then shut it. "Hello I'm Lena the daughter that you quote unquote never knew existed. I'm going to my room to cry for about an hour and then I'll come down to eat dinner while I'm giving you the silent treatment then I will shower do homework and go to bed." I marched off and went to go look for my room, on my way to my room I lost my way and ended up in a huge library. "Wow." I walked over to a book that was out of place and put it back on the shelf. I saw a flash of brown on the other side of the books, I gasped and backed away.
I sighed as I closed my eyes and felt the wind smack against my skin, the wind was cool and it comforted me. I opened my eyes and water was swirling in the air in front of me. I smiled at it until I heard people walking closer to me, the water dropped and my head snapped up to see my blonde friend standing there and a red coat behind her. I scrambled up to my feet and backed away. "No one is permitted to be back here."
"I'm sorry Linx I had to tell them." My friend said
"Ali." I started but the red coat cut me off.
"You are under arrest for the crime of witchcraft, defying the king, and murder," He said. I backed away and then looked over to Ali who refused to look at me.
"Okay well why your at it add fugitive to your list." I said as I ran away, the wind was screaming at me telling me which way to go and crying to me. My brown hair was falling out of its braid. I stopped in my tracks and my eyes went wide.
A girl with red hair was looking at books with wide eyes as if she saw something that no one else was seeing. Her eyes were greenish yellow and she seemed to be in a daze. "Who are you?" She asked
"Me?" I asked, it was as if we were now facing each other.
"Yeah I guess." She said and then I looked behind me to see a red coat.
"My name is Linx, who are you? Why can I see you in a library? I'm in the woods and you're in a library." I said
"But you're not, not anymore that is." She said, I looked back and saw a wall not a red coat.
"I was just..." I started and the girl shook her head.
"I'm hallucinating." She said
"Oh trust me I wish this was a hallucination." I said. "But it's not, I'm not dizzy and I'm real. Who are you?"
"Lena my name is Lena." The girl said, she spun around as a tall man with brown hair walked in the room, she slammed the book back in its place so that I was unseen.
"Lena I'm sorry that wasn't what it seemed like." The man said
"Yeah well it's fine." She said
"Okay good dinner is in 5." The man said
"Okay good can't wait!" She said in a sarcastic tone even I could tell that she was not happy at all. I heard the door shut and then I walked out from behind the books. "Follow me." I did as she said and I was led to a big room, she walked over to two suitcases and pulled out cloths and threw them at me. "Put them on and go to bed I'll be back up soon, touch nothing."
"Yeah okay." I replied as the girl walked away.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: May 16, 2015 ⏰

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