"What is that"zayday ask as they all stand in the dark.

"It's luminol. It reacts to the iron in the hemoglobin."Denise henfield explains that she continues to spray Grace looks confused while Danni and say they look at her in disbelief"wait, hold on"say they says before rushing over to the flashlight turn the light on as Denise henfield stop spraying putting the cap on the bottle put it back in her belt as they all stand around a small circle."you're telling me you don't carry a gun, but you carry around that stuff?"both girls saying disbelief that she would actually have that instead of a gun that she would need. But Denise Central looks unbothered"yeah! Cuz it also reacts to in enzyme in horseradish and I hate horseradish. But I love me some Arby's so what I do is, I take my sandwich home cut the light off, put a little luminol on there check to be sure they didn't accidentally sneak a little horsey sauce on it."Denise hemophils explains fall the girls just have dumbfounded looks on their face while Danni just shakes her head at this woman mumbling to her self"yes that's the perfect use for not"but nobody heard her. It was silent between all of them for a minute."nobody is looking for this girl. Now that's suspicious, especially when the bitch don't tweeted-look at this"she says reaching in her back pocket to play her phone after doing a few tips she turns the phone to the girls showing a picture of ocean number two but Danni looks at sing the posture of Chanel number 2 getting a confused of her face knowing how the chanels are."I'm being murdered by the red devil."

Grace shakes her head for a moment"the Chanel says she had a nervous breakdown I went home to California"zayday is a thinking look on her face while Danni is deep in thought about the picture.

"Are y'all crazy? There is a psycho killing people. He kills my dear friend and secure enforcement solutions college shondale girl right in the face. And no she was that cute to begin with, but that is not the point the point is there's a missing girl, blood on the floor, and she's tweeting oh hey just want you to know I'm getting murdered. And y'all are staying here like oh I wonder what happened. The girl is dead"Denise hemphill explains to them as she does a praying sign for her dear friend before explaining her theory on Chanel number 2s tweet that's the three teenage girls share look knowing she's right about that.

Soon it was decided that they would go to Chanel number to house in Bel Air. Well that was going on multiple things happened. Later that night people can be seen with candles and signs as they walk along the sidewalk. To clarify that they were not with kapa at all. Chanel head try to weasel her way back into getting together with Chad again but that epically failed. Soon grace, zayday and Danni are seen walking as people pass by them. What's with all these kapa signs "grace ask the to two girls confused as they are holding lit up candles.

"Well considering what's been going on campus I don't blame them they don't want to get murdered."Danni says as the watch people walk by them.

"She right it's a thing now. People are saying The Killers targeting kappas or people associated with kappa. So they figure if he knows they're not he won't go in like a fish"zayday adds on explain why people are doing this making Grace nod her head before they move forward.

Soon a giant crowd can be seen at the steps of the college as the dean stands in front of a podium given alley speech was she mentions what happens to Eugene the three girls share a sheepish look at what happened at the store that morning before the new mascot company was introduced doing a weird dance before the crowd dispersed for the night.

The girls had went to Chanel number two's house in Bel Air it was a beautiful giant house. with Denise henfield after meeting her parents and finding out that she had a thing with Chad and how her parents didn't really care if she came back they didn't want her to come back at all they all shared looks at this new information. That same day a couple of things happen Grace dad had joined as a teacher at college and cony was murdered by the Red devil having his head salt off with a chainsaw but nobody knows. It appears that when they got back the whole sorority was called into the main sitting room for meeting but we're confused on why as they all talk about what zayday ,Danni and Grace had discovered before Chanel number 5 looks of her eyes but a while making the three girls confuse"holy mother of God what is this"making everyone turn in time just to see hester looking extremely different while I can slowly down the stairs in a beautiful dress with designer shoes and everything she look completely beautiful. Ounce Chanel and Hester make it down the long staircase to the front of the whole group"bitches I'd like you to meet Chanel number 6"cuz everyone to go wide eyed at this but the ones who were shocked more with Chanel number two Chanel number five as they look at Hester.

Channel number five suddenly stands not putting up with this"no way. No freaking way! You can't make a pledge of Chanel"but Chanel looks different pointing out that she needed more minions but she don't know if I was not having it soon a big argument happens but it soon disperses when Chanel decides "okay pledges line up for tonight's festivities we're going to play a game called cocaine or dildo"making everyone go silent while say zayday,grace and Danni all share the same look before the main doors are open showing Dean munch and Gigi walking in making the girls confused on why they have suitcases and everything."ohh! That's sounds fun! But also kind of like hazing and illegal in what six different ways"dean munch says barging in as gigi rolls her suitcase in from behind."but I brought Trivial pursuit 90s edition"Gigi says with excitement but the girls just look confused not knowing what that is at all.

"Sounds Boffo but we're having a house only night tonight"Chanel says for the smirk but as soon as fades when she sees the smile on the Dean's face.

"Okay works for us see we're moving in to keep an eye on you girls for the rest of the week"dean munch explains causing the girls to all go wide eyed and gasp not expecting this at all number 5 is scene chugging down her drink from stress before everything goes black.

Some other things happened that day afterwards the dicky dollar scholars had a meeting and decided to confront the Red devil head-on which they did that night but one of the boys got their arms chopped off as blessed feet of his arms that was when they realized there were two devils instead of one making them all shocked. That same night Denise hempfield confronted zayday but was put in her place slightly.

Gigi, the dean, and Grace's dad sat down and had somewhat of a dinner that ended very awkwardly. Soon it was night and all the girls were asleep but they all jump awake at the sound of screaming and it chainsaw. Every girl rushed out of the room before heading downstairs to see what was going on they were shocked to see Gigi standing in front of the Red devil not dead yet before she tells them to run back upstairs to safety. After a frightful fight Gigi and Grace's dad has put the Red devil finally doing him with a powerful kick from Gigi which tosses the Red devil behind the couch. when they thought they had the Red devil but it showed him disappeared leaving the chainsaw behind and because suspicious when dean munch appears just now after all the noise just says the Red devil disappears.

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