"A-Are you sure he won't hurt Arapacati?" The tiny creature looked up at the Traveler, and she smiled and shook his head.

"He won't, I'm sure of it."

Turning back to the Wanderer, the creature looked at him. "Hello, Nara Fujin. Arapacati will forgive you for being mean, but Arapacati will keep an eye on you."

"Thank you for your kindness, little one."

"Arapacati is not a little one! Arapacati is Arapacati!" the creature was back to stomping its foot again, and it only tickled the Traveler's palms as she giggled and turned away, venturing further into the little town.

"Do you come here often?" The Wanderer's attention was now back on the Traveler as he followed along behind her.

"Sometimes, yeah. When I'm done with my commissions, I find the time to visit and play with them. This place gives me serotonin with all these adorable friends of mine."

"Hm," he only hummed in response, looking around the place. Tiny green particles were floating around the atmosphere, and so much more tiny creatures were walking here and there some singing, others playing games.

"Nara Tree is here!" Another Aranara exclaimed, and a couple more of them swarmed in to gather around the Traveler's feet.

The Wanderer watched from behind as she giggled and crouched down to get closer to them.

There went her attention, she probably forgot about him already. That's what he thought as he walked somewhere farther away and sat on a flat rock where he could watch them do whatever they wanted together.

Now that he was here, he was able to take a better look at these tiny creatures. They all didn't look the same, at least that one was clarified this time. He thought they'd at least try to be a little more intimidating, but they rather looked like a bunch of harmless moving and talking vegetables to him. He laughed to himself at the thought.

They also have a knack for adding 'Nara' as a prefix when they call someone they know that's not of their kind. Did it only apply to humans? They called him the same way too. Bad Nara, he remembered the little Arapawhoever little radish said. Didn't they have the ability to distinguish humans from anything else? or did that only apply physically? He was a puppet, but he resembled a lot like a human. No one could even tell.


Before he knew it, a tiny creature appeared before him, just standing there looking right up at him. It had a tiny sword attached to its waist.

"And who are you...?" He asked as he rested his head on his hand, looking down at it as it went a few steps closer.

"Ararycan. Nice to meet you, Nara. A friend of Nara Lumi's is a friend of the Aranara,"

"I wouldn't exactly call your Nara Lumi a friend of mine, but sure. I'll let it slide," he offered a hand as Ararycan hopped on it, and the Wanderer pulled him until he rested his hands on his lap. "You do know I'm not human, don't you?" He took the opportunity to ask.

"Ararycan knows," the little creature replied, "but you still look like one, so still Nara friend."

"Huh," the Wanderer shrugged as he looked back again to where the Traveler and her little friends were. He could see her playing her lyre as they sang along to a tune that was unfamiliar to him.

While he was distracted, the little guy supposedly staying on his hands was now climbing its way up his body to his right shoulder, where it now laid down, its hands and feet dangling comfortably.

It was only when he wanted to speak again did he notice where it was, but he didn't even try to question it anymore. "How long have you known Lumine?" he asked the little creature.

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