CHAPTER 17 : Drunk

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Final Chapter

*Mature Content*


I badly want to grab ahold of his hand. I search for his gaze but what reflected there makes my eyes sting with tears. 'Go!!' I did what he said. Walking out of the room, my eyes was glistening with tears. I blinked back my tears as I look down to the ground. I deserve it. Maybe it was not that of big deal but in my state of mind, it was. I did exactly what I am scared of. Hurting him. It doesn't matter if it is mentally or physically. I still did hurt him! What can I do to redeem my mistake? How should I punish myself? A familiar dull feeling crept inside the deepest pit of my gut .Nobody is allowed to hurt him. Neither me is an exception. When I find out an aristocrat did abusing him, I can't help but planning for revenge. I bring him along to every event I was invited just for him to recognize that shit. It was the moment when I saw the change in his facial expression, I know, it was that guy. I have sent his devil uncle and that aristocrat far away from him. Too far that they will never able to come back. When the thought of someone touching him come across my mind, all I could think of is ,his blood on my hands. Yes! I am becoming monster for him.

Our relationship seem to crumbling down slowly. I'm not ready to let him go. This will not happen twice. I don't want to feel regret of leaving the things between us as it were. The pain I felt when he blame me for his parents death was still intolerable. But I shouldn't keep the big secret from him. My parents was the reason he lost his old life. Everything that was there before, is gone in blink second. It was our fault. The real cause of accident was still left unknown but the fault definitely from our side. We are the one that hit them from behind. Its like everything is fading away and that scared me. He didn't even look at me in the eye. Did he hate me so much? Did he really want this? I brought my palm to my mouth as I dumped the pills inside. Chugging down some water, I walked out of the kitchen. I have been religiously on a pill lately. Zee must understand him. What I had done is wrong. He was kind of person who need time to think carefully unlike me... who will burst in anger right of the time. Perhaps, he will be fine after few more days. I slumped myself on the sofa as I pressed my eyes shut in hope it will reduce my stupid migraine.

After an hour of rest, I decided to met grandpa for further detail. He might know better. There is a thin line between love and hate. There is a thin line between truth and lie. But when the line was blurred, it is nothing but will lead to demise. I didn't knew it will happen to me. The secret grandpa held all along was deadly. 'They had an argument just before they went out that night... Your mother had affair with her bestfriend' grandpa words echoed inside my hearing. I tapped my finger on steering wheel as I think through it rationally. Everything was tangled up too much. How could the world set things up cruelly? Am I a fool to expect the world to be fair to me? It was f*cking ridiculous. Why is my life spiralling exhaustingly out of control?  Everything that happened to nunew was my parents fault and grandpa was the one plotting my future. Like things so far, it make sense. No wonder it was just out of blue grandpa decided nunew is for me. Because I was his illegal grandson. So he had nunew as a back up to become the heir of his property. 'My life was just an investment for him' I whisper as tears falling down my cheeks. That words cut me painfully. The discomfort I felt in my stomach grew. Grandpa has been my mother and father since the day I lost both of them. I thought he is sincere but it turns out ,he trade me. How could he do this to me?! I honestly don't know how to keep going. I wish to get out of his life right away.

Nunew POV

I somehow managed to bring him upstairs. I found he was lying on the sofa drunkily when I heard a chaos downstairs. I know he is trying his best to gain the consciousness but the alcohol smell is too strong. Dipping the cloth in basin, I wringing the water out. 'Nhuu...are you still mad?' he said huskily. He look far from being asleep. Looking at him closely, he look worse I have ever seen. The eye bags and the dull skin gave him an unkempt look.  Situating myself by his side, my hands was holding a wet towel to wipe him up. Suddenly, he push me down on my back. It took me a minute to realize the condition I am in. He was hovering over me and I push his chest with all my might. But he didn't even budge. He softly stroked my hair before slammed our lips hard. His dark eyes goes wild and wicked returning my gaze. 'Hiaa ..what are you..' I clear my throat in between before he cut my question abruptly. 'Shhh... Just help me forget about everything' his index finger trailing my lower lips in desire. 'You are still my wife...What can a husband do without a wife?' he continued .

His hand pulled the hem of my shirt and readying at my waistband. 'You are drunk' I exclaimed. 'I'm not... I know what I'm doing' his breath turned heavy as he grinding against me. I try to stifle a moan when his knees kneaded on my growing erection. The move was gentle yet ,it bring the greatest sensation. The love and lust hitting me all at once. 'Cooperate nunew..I promise it will be a pleasure to both of us' he said and I was just nodded, trusting him. He tear everything off me in one go and I flinched by his roughness. His hand grabbing my butt as he kiss me again hardly. I swallowed hard when he strip himself until he is very much bare in front of me. He took my legs up and crossed it against his waist. I bit my lower lips as I felt everything tighten inside me. My nails dug into his arm. 'I am not going to be soft nhu..tell me if it get too much and I will stop, okay?' I nodded and he leans up capturing my lips. I know there is no going back for us. His heart are beating fast and that is enough to prove his feelings. His shaft was aligned on my entrance as he slammed it in hardly. But all I do is moaning his name. It does felt good. My belly clenching with butterflies partying inside. His hand holding my waist ,keeping it in place and continued his pace. 'Arrghhh... arghhhh..umpphhh' our cry was the only sound ringing in the room. I don't know if the housekeeper would happen to hear us but now... my world are only revolve around me and him. My hand hold the sheet tightly. His hand flickering on my hardened nipples as I arched my back in pleasure. Slamming his co*k inside and out, he placed more pressure on certain places. Maybe that was my prostate. 'Hi..hiaa..let me cum' my voice come out small. He lift my butt and thrust his erection deep inside me. My hole twitches with anticipation. My eyes watered when the intense orgasm ripped me apart from within. 'Ahhh...umphhh' he throw his head back finding his own release.  My body feels weak as he pulled himself out of my hole. I even don't realize how long our body entangled with each other. I just know this is the beginning of a new chapter of our story.

I blinked my eyes opened at the sudden warmth of sunlight hitting my skin. I adjust my body, unwrapping myself from hia's arm that hug me from behind. But as I'm about to sit up, I winced by the soreness coming in between my thigh. 'Where are you going?' he asked as he push me to lie on my back gently. He lean on his side, supporting himself on one arm. I don't know if I could stay mad to him right now. 'Nhu...' he began but I spoke quickly. 'I want honest answer ...on everything' I said, emphasizing. He just nodded with no fight as he intertwine our hands together. 'I met grandpa yesterday... Everything that happened to are right... It is because of us... My parents had a fight before they leave house that night... Dad might have lose control... I'm sorry..I'm truly sorry nhu' he paused in between his words, trying to chug down his own sob. His eyes became glossy on the verge of tears. He exhale a deep breath and stare at me before continued. 'There is one thing you should know... I am not a part of Panich family... Grandpa planned all of this... He had you to become the second heir of his property... I don't want to speak ill of the dead but that was the fact mother had affair with her best friend' I find his gaze despite him looking down. He bites his lower lips, calming himself. Tears burned at my eyes but I didn't intend to let it out. 'It was the past... I got what I need to know and that is enough' my hand carresing his back hand. 'Are you still planning to leave?' he asked in low voice. 'What if I am? You're not giving me any reason not to...' I said. He was silent for another moment. The question feel like a blow as I saw his first tears escaping. I heaved a sigh. 'Hiaa..can't you understand? it was hard enough to force you inside my life ... Do you think I will foolishly leave you?' I added , playing a small smile. He plant a chaste kiss on my lips. 'I know I have wronged you in many ways...I am sorry I made you feel that way.. please nhu... give me a chance to amend this' he said looking deeply in my eyes. I can feel the guilt inside the deepest part of him. I nodded as I held his arm tight. I love him and that's it. My heart belongs to only him.

------------------------The End----------------------

Finally, it has come to the end. A long chapter isn't it? 😅 I want to finish it in one go. Anyway, thank you readers for your support and all the comments. I was enjoying writing this and hope you like it.

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