Chapter 2 - Vader

Start from the beginning

But the rest of Obi-Wan's actions have shown otherwise. He wouldn't have done what he did on Mustafar otherwise. Wouldn't have... everything he did over the years. Vader long since ceased wishing for his former master to see him as anything else. (Did he?)

Vader knows he'll never have more with Obi-Wan, but it's... He just needs to be away from Sidious.

He may have been Obi-Wan's slave in the past, but it wasn't like this. And he wants that back.

He knows he'll probably be punished severely – painfully – for what happened on Mapuzo and the thought would make him physically sick if that were possible, because he doesn't want to begin to imagine what that might be. All he knows, and needs to know, is that it will hurt, but it's better than being with Sidious. Obi-Wan was good. He – he was the best master Vader ever had. He never physically hurt him – intentionally, anyway – except twice. And... and he can't say he didn't have it coming both times, no matter how much it hurt, how it felt like a betrayal even if it shouldn't have, that Obi-Wan would do something like that to him.

When he'd faked his death and Anakin had tried to kill him. Of course, he'd reacted violently.

And of course... Mustafar.

But whatever Obi-Wan chooses to do, it – it won't be as bad as Sidious. (Probably.) And Vader just needs to be away.

(What has happened to him? What would his mother say if she saw him now – he hardly thinks of her anymore, for the shame would kill him. He doesn't dream of freedom anymore. He just dreams of having a better master. He doesn't deserve freedom, does he? He wouldn't even know what that meant. All he wants is – is for everything to stop hurting. It won't stop, but Obi-Wan was good, and even if he can be extremely cruel sometimes – Mustafar burns forever at the forefront of his mind – it won't be like Sidious.)

And at least Vader will be with him again. He shouldn't care for him this much, long for him as much he does, but he can't stop himself.

He doesn't know if he's ready for this, though, as he lands the ship down on the surface of the moon. He doesn't know how Obi-Wan is going to react, especially not after Mapuzo. There, Vader had expected Obi-Wan to be angry, to attack and try to kill him like he did before, but now... He obviously is ready to, or he wouldn't have come to so willingly face him.

It's hard not to rethink his decision as he steps off the shuttle. Obi-Wan is standing a distance away, a look of grim determination on his face, his lightsaber hilt already in his hand. It's nothing like how he was acting last time.

He's ready for a fight.

A fight that Vader does not want. That's... It will only end with one of them dead. He wants to die, but he doesn't... He wants to give this a chance first.

Slowly, Vader covers the ground between them, stopping a short distance away. Obi-Wan says nothing, staring him down. Waiting for him to make the first move, perhaps.

Now, it's his chance. To say what he wants, or they'll fight. Maybe they'll fight anyway. But this is his only opportunity to be away from Sidious, and if Sidious hears what he's doing...

All he can do is hope that Obi-Wan will agree. He has every reason not to, but... Vader will make himself useful, whatever that will involve. Obi-Wan wouldn't turn that down at least, would he? He knows his skills are at least worth something, or Sidious wouldn't keep him around.

Mustafar burns through his mind again, Obi-Wan's last words flickering through his mind too. It doesn't make sense because... Did he actually mean it, or was he just saying it as a way to make what he was doing hurt even worse? Although masters also don't take care of their slaves the same way Obi-Wan did him.

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