Chapter 8

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Jake watched as the kitten was hiding in the den, "That kitten is afraid of his mother, I could scent his lies." Flame mewed "If Cordelia neglect him, me and Ashbel can take him in." Jake shook his head, "Unfortunately not, I seem your daughter hatred towards him, I don't want him being bullied by your daughter." "We're working on it." Flame meowed. "I haven't spoken to Snow yet but we must sit and wait. I will question the little one today again, then if I need too, I will strike." Jake meowed.


The kitten slowly got out of hiding, he looked around for his mother, suddenly something hit him, his eyes widen in fear as his mother placed her claws on her son's chest. "What did you say to him?" she demanded pushing harder.

The kitten squealed in pain she was ignoring his cries as she pressed harder and harder causing his mouth and nose to bleed. Cordelia didn't seem to care as she push harder as she hissed as the kitten wailed in pain, "That's it you rat!!! I'm tired of dragging you on my tail!!! You will die worthless and you will stay worthless!!!" Cordelia hissed pressing down hard on her son's chest. The kitten wailed in pain louder, she press down harder even his mouth and nose begins to bleed right out, "Mother pleased!" he begged. Suddenly a flash of ginger came from the side of wrestling screeching cats until they separated, it was Jake, the king came to his rescue. Cordelia had a ripped off ear, her eyes widen in shock. Jake was infront of the injured kitten, standing taller as if he was defending him. Jake unexpectedly attacked, Cordelia eyes widen with shock, her ear was ripped off from the attack. "J-Jake." she stuttered the king's name.

The kitten stood up shaken but he crouched in fear, "I-I was just teaching him a lesson. I-I can explain." Cordelia stuttered. "Even though you were going to kill him calling him Worthless." Jake growled. Cordelia eyes widen as Jake continued "I know what you've done, I was watching this situation and I have enough of this, I won't allow you to hurt your son anymore. I suspected something was up with him and I was right, you were the problem. I saw you hurt him and he did nothing wrong and you could of killed him!" Jake hissed, Cordelia growled "He's my son, I can do what I want with him, even kill him." Jake growled, the kitten eyes widen horrified as the king's eyes glowed into a bright green color. "And yet Dark shadow get the better care and treatment he needed. I just saw you abused your son, he looked starved and as if he wasn't fed well, I could tell he was neglected by his stenched! Last time I check, he hanged from a branch! Now you tried to kill him! For that you are no more as Water." Cordelia looked at him, eyes widen horrified. "Jake, wait, don't do this to me." she begged but it was too late, there was screams of agony as the kitten crouched lower, his eyes grew even more wider and more fear. Cordelia eyes widen in fear, she was taking breaths, "What-What have you done to me!" she hissed, Jake growled "Your no longer The Water Chosen, you are exiled from the Storm Kingdom, I forbid such cruelty in my kingdom do you hear me. I'm not cruel to separated a mother from her kittens so take your other son get out!" Dark shadow who had saw the whole thing eyes widen in fear, Cordelia finally caught her breathe, "Fine but you will regret this one day and I'll be back." she threaten before grabbing Dark shadow who started to wail as she was leaving camp. 

Jake closed his eyes before opening them, his eyes strangely became normal, he approach the kitten, the kitten crouch farther in the ground, shaken of what he saw. Jake lift him by the scruff and carried him to his den where he share with the queen and his family. Snow was busy watching her other two sleep beside her, "Jake what is this?" she asked, Jake placed the kitten down, he ran behind the queen causing Snow's son to wake up startled before trying to sleep again, Jake mewed "His mother abused him, he has no father and he needs a family to care and love him." Snow eyes widen, "But I already have two pawfuls, except that meeting you and the Moon queen and king talked about which may lead to one but still, who will take him in." "We will, we will love him as our own and care for him. Give him the attention that he needs and all that other stuff." Jake meowed, the kitten curled up, he didn't believe any of it. "If I give him to someone else who knows how he will be treated." 

Snow hesitated before she meowed "Fine, but no more and just this one." Snow grabbed the kitten and placed him toward Jake, "Clean him up will you." she growled before heading back to her own kittens. Jake left and brought a huge rabbit, "Here eat this." he ordered. The kitten snift it, wasn't sure if he could trust the king. "Your mother won't hurt you again." Jake promised. The kitten slowly bit into the soft meat and realized how hungry he was before chowing down, Jake sat by him, he starting to lick but the kitten flinched away. Jake then observes him as the sun begins to shine against his fur from outside the den, Jake meowed "Your very timid and scared, you might not trust anyone so you hide in the shadows but you can still be seen with the sun while your hidden in the shadows but you are visible to see." What is he saying? The nameless kitten wondered, feeling confused as if he was eating his long lost meal he desired so often that his mother never gived him. Jake continued "From this day forward you will be called Light shadow, for the light within the shadows."

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