01) A New Journey

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The midday sun had just come out from behind the clouds when I got down from a broken bridge by sliding across a bus leaning off the road. I think I deserve some heat after walking for almost an entire morning on a cold and cloudy Sunday. Or is it Monday? I honestly lost track of time. I think the long road I took to get here made my mind tired instead of my legs. I hope to make better decisions in the future.

It's been a while since I've been wandering the dry grasses of Kansas and following the trail of a mysterious person I don't even know if he or she really exists.

As I passed through a large country field, I took a sheet out of my pocket and unfolded it. Theoretically this sheet is a letter that was written exclusively for me and to this day I don't know how I found it. A few days ago, while wandering around, I found some dead bodies of mutilated zombies and a wall with blood written "FOR THE SURVIVOR WITH THE SURNAME OF A CITY". Obviously that caught my attention since I fit that description and also because I was the first person to find it. When I pulled the letter off the wall and read what it said, I was even more curious. On the back of the letter is a list of places I'm supposed to arrive.


"You don't know me, but I know enough about you and I want to warn you that you're in danger. I can't say who I am or mention your name for security reasons, but if you've followed my clues this far and found this, you're definitely the person I'm looking for. I know I sound invasive and you have every right to think that, but I needed to use specific things related to your past to be able to attract only you and no one else. In short: I need your help and we need to meet.

I've heard a lot about your past from people who knew you personally, and I want you to know that it's not over yet. Right now you're being hunted and you can't let the enemies get their hands on you. Stay away from bad men in colorful vests and don't trust them. Always walk in the shadows. I've heard that you have skills that normal people aren't lucky enough to have, so you should be able to get by on your own if they find you. Also, I'm told you've already faced volatiles, so you shouldn't have any problems surviving the night. Use UV light if you have one and keep your hands close to your katana at all times. And be twice as careful. The search for you has increased now.

On the back of this sheet is a list of places I want you to use to find me. I left several clues and signs like zombie blood and colored ribbons along the way that will guide you to these places. If you don't find me in the first place, it's because something unforeseen happened and I had to get out of there. But don't worry. If that happens, all you have to do is move to the second place, and so on. You can't go wrong.

I know it's obviously weird for me to know about you and want to meet you, but I'm trying to help you as well as help myself. I have no other option and our time is running out. Follow the clues I mentioned if you want and find me at the places on the list any time of the day. I'll be waiting for you. Good luck."

- Anonymous survivor.

I couldn't believe it when I saw that this letter was written to me and I still suspect it's a trap. Maybe he's a weirdo who wants to attract me to one of those places and do the opposite of helping me, but I realized that he really might be serious and he knows about me when he mentioned my katana and that I have skills that other people don't. This person knows me and wants to show me something. I know I shouldn't trust just anyone, but now I'm curious and I have nothing better to do at the moment. If something goes wrong and it really is a trap, I can use my focus skills and try to get the hell out of there. It doesn't matter if it's not just one guy. I've dealt with many bandits in groups and escaped unscathed from every ambush.

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