Chapter 4

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The kitten squeak as his mother pushed harder and harder on her son's chest, it was hurting so much, that his cries aren't doing anything, finally he was released, the kitten felt weak from pain as he laid there, "Don't break my rules again Worthless!" she hissed, using the back of her paw and hitting him to the other side of the den, the pain hurts so much to bare. Cordelia called Dark shadow, he saw what happen, "Mom what did he do this time?" he asked, "He just broke a rule, nothing to worry about." Cordelia licked the kitten's own brother. The kitten looked up, trying to ignored the pain as he was limping away close to the denwall. He looked at his mother, his eyes widen, how could he be so stupid? How could he so blind to realized his mother's was giving love and affection to his brother? His mother loved him more then himself, Cordelia was purring as Dark shadow was getting the love he never gotten from her.

The kitten curled his lips in anger and his eyes narrow in slits, all this time she loved his own brother Dark shadow but never him, all he wanted was his mother's love but his brother seem to have stolen it. Cordelia and Dark shadow left the den together purring happily, Dark shadow never even noticed how badly hurt he was or ever does he noticed. Light shadow limped following them, then the worse happen they were playing in the clearing together, chasing each other and tagging each other, wrestling each other and even purring together with so many games he never played.

The kitten's claws unsheathe and sheathe his claws over and over wanting to rip his brother's throat out. How dare he get all the fun while he had a rough life getting abused. How dare he get his mother's love while he get's abused. Why does their mother likes his own brother over him? It seem so unfair. The kitten turn away, ears flatten and is hating his brother even more because of this.


It was the afternoon, Dark shadow was sleeping and the kitten was watching his brother playing with the other kittens, his life seems so much better then his right now and matter of fact it could of been every day. Dark shadow was finished playing with his friends, he approached the kitten and was about to go pass but the kitten hissed "Happy?"

Dark shadow meowed "Why wouldn't I be, I got friends, our mother loves us still, except you gotten yourself in way to many trouble and I don't see you have any friends." The kitten felt furious as Dark shadow continued "Maybe we should hang more often, do stuff that littermates do." "I have no friends! I don't even know what one is and I certainly don't need you! You ruin my life!" the kitten snapped. Dark shadow eyes widen, Cordelia loomed behind them, "What did you say to your brother?" she growled. The kitten flinched, eyes widen in fear, "Dark shadow, go into the den but before you do tell me what has he said to you." Cordelia ordered nodding her son, her eyes seem soft and gentle. Dark shadow meowed "He said I ruined his life and he doesn't need me after I offered we could hang out and do littermate stuff."

"Alright now go to the den I'll deal him." she mewed. The kitten gulp as Dark shadow enter the den, his mother unexpectedly grabbed him by the ear with her teeth and tug on it, he cried "Mother pleased! It was a misunderstanding!" he begged as they were leaving camp, later his mother threw him to an old tree. "Climb that tree now! And get to a high up branch!" she demanded.

The kitten scrambled up across the tree, his ear was hurting from being pulled, it was lucky not to be torn and bleeding but it did leave a pressure bitemark. He climb to a high up branch, it felt unstable but he was too scared of his mother. "Bite on to the branch and hang from it!" she hissed, "Don't try to refused because I can force you! I don't care if you bleed!" The kitten obayed bitting onto the branch, it didn't feel good as he starting to hang from the bottom of the branch, "Now that will keep you how to hold your tongue!" Cordelia hissed, "If you fall, find your own way to camp!" as she started to leave.

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