suddenly married

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Mari POV~
So I've only been here one night and it ain't that bad,I met all my brothers and they are super nice and fun. I learned about my late mother and she was beautiful. She looked just like me except her hair was to her ankles and mine have been in pigtails for as long as I can remember. I learned that since I was the only girl child I had to be mafia queen but I wasn't trained. Me being ladybug doesn't mean I'm ready to run a mafia but fun fact I had to learn it all 'yay'i sigh internally eye rolling. Since it's my second day we a having a family meeting for me to meet some of my relatives who help run countries in Asia and I'm basically getting ready.

 Since it's my second day we a having a family meeting for me to meet some of my relatives who help run countries in Asia and I'm basically getting ready

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"It's good enough"I say to myself "wow Marinette you look splendid"tikki says flying out of my bag and I thank her. Suddenly there's a knock on my door and open it to find a worker standing there with a smile "hello I'm Aurora and I'm your personal maid your majesty"she says and I smile"please call me Mari or Mei don't be formal"
she nods and she leads me to the private conference room where I find my family, Aurora bows and leaves"hello dad,grandpa,boys"I greet "hello/hi Mei/darling" I have my sit father calls my relatives not so long after ,three female faces pop up "y did you call this meeting Zhang"a woman who looks young but is my supposed grandma asks"omg Zhang is that my niece"another pretty lady shrieks"wow,she looks just like her mom"another lady says "calm down will ya"mason says "mason dear where are your manners "the older looking lady says annoyed dad sighs and begins"well if you'll let me talk.....this is princess Mei-Hua Ichigo Marinette Jin-lee my daughter and will you all introduce yourselves""ahhhh~meimei darling I am Isabella Jin lee your grandmother I rule china along with your grandfather over there"she says and I smile "netta,I'm Faybelle Nikolata Huang your mother's older sister I rule North Korea"she says and I wave "Mari,I'm Jasmine Jin-lee I'm your father's younger sister I rule  south Korea I know we'll get along"she says and I smile "aunt Jaz and fay are the coolest in the family and grandma Isa is the best"Isaac whispers to me "ok mother I am placing Mari in your care since he caretakers disowned her I would like you to live with her since she has to finish school "dad says since I still have to go to Francois Dupont but I'll be transferring very soon by the end of the year "dad?can Isaac and Reign come with I mean I'll need company"I ask and he nods. The call goes on and I get to know my few relatives who are available. We've decided that grandma would take care of us and 2 months before we leave for Paris we go to Gotham with aunt Jaz and Fay but I was behind on royal studies and I needed to catch up so I had a schedule and boy was it hard . I woke up at 4 am and went to bed at 10pm but I  got used to it I had to learn self defense which included all the martial arts , etiquette and manners, different languages,how to walk like a princess and blah blah blah
Time skip brought to you by my laziness
  2 months later Mari has learned the royal stuff she was crowned mafia queen two weeks after her arrival(they are great partners with mason btw)and is famous worldwide also for her brand MHM for fashion and MJL for tech and is a singer netta(the nickname given by aunt Fay)but only her family and aurora know her secret identity . She is now close with everyone especially Aurora who is now her personal everything even advisor and she has to deal with paparazzi.(also the change of climate made Mari's hair longer now it reaches her knees and it's darker)
So back to Mari POV
I was in my room getting ready for bed when I felt someone's presence I look around and spot a figure I go for my daggers and throw it at him . He moved in the shadows so I didn't get a clear view of him but I was focused on him and forgot to check if he had allies but someone drugged me and I passed out.
League of assassin
Damian POV
I woke up and saw I was in chains ,this whole scenario had mother written all over it but I looked around and saw I wasn't alone there was a girl . I couldn't see her face but I didn't care she was probably a harlot."staring is rude you know"she said sitting up she was also in chains she looked at me and her bluebell eyes were mesmerizing"how long were you awake"I asked her and she shrugged "long enough to feel you stare"she said a faint blush dust my cheeks but was gone in a second then mother walked in and I growled "I see you two are awake now""ahhh~ Talia Al Ghul pleasure to finally meet you"the girl said and I wondered if she was crazy"pleasure is all mine "mother said bowing slightly and honestly I was a bit confused "I bet your wondering why your here,well we want peace between the league and the order of guardians and the only way to that is through its heirs,so a marriage"mother says proudly and I scoffed "Damian if you fight back the girl will die and you don't want international drama now do you"she finished. I looked at the girl and she was not fazed at all so I figured she stayed for money ,I should've known. Suddenly a servant walks in with a bowl of liquid and I knew it was from the pit . Mother motioned for my hand and she cut my palm and blood dropped into the bowl she went to the girl next I expected her to scream but she didn't even flinch that was a surprise. Mother stirred for a while then gave us to drink. The girl drank half of it as if it were water then it was my turn. It burned my throat but I drank it all the girl still didn't show any emotion. Mother unchained us and motioned for us  to follow her.

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