Accelerator: ya will do.
You seem to be well liked by everyone in the organisation both with the other founders and the children there.

Mistriz: well all the founders are good friends it's just there are a few who are a little antisocial so they don't like to talk as much and we all respect that and dont bother them. We do talk to them to make sure everything is ok as we are all friends no matter what shape or form. And for the kids it's because I had to save many of them. I was the first kind face that they saw in there lives which is sad. I have the job of nursing them back to health both physically and mentally and then teaching them how to live I have grown very close to those kids. And I hope to be able to do all the same with you.

Accelerator: well your doing a good job with those kids. They all had big smiles on their faces and they only looked sad when you had to go. That tells me alot about how you have helped and treated them. (if only academy city had someone with power that was like her. Wait she reminds me of someone. Someone who wants to help kids learn and live happy lives and will take a Haserd into there home just because it's the right thing to do not caring for the consequences) hu yomikawa even now you still find a way back into my life.

Mistriz: hu?

Accelerator: doesn't matter. So where is my room?

Mistriz: well if you go down the upstairs left wing of the house and then at the second corridor there are the guests rooms their are 9 of them you can choose which ever one you like. And while you do that I shall get some supr ready for you then we can talk a bit about your living arrangements.

Accelerator: ok that's fine.

Accelerator then followed the directions to the guests rooms and immediately entered the first room on the right and collapsed onto a sofa in the room. The room was a sitting room crossed with a bedroom. The bead was at the end of the room it was a large luxury king sized bed with very expensive looking sheets. At the front of the room there was a tv a sofa two couches and a small table for eather drinks or games. The two areas were separated by bookshelves on the sitting room side and wardrobes on the bedroom side with a small walk way between the two sides. The room also had an onsweet that was very well maintained and clean.

Accelerator: ugh my suit is ripped and I have been going around all day in it.

After a few minutes accelerator head someone knock on the door

Accelerator: I will be out in a second

Accelerator got up and went out the door where mistriz was waiting for him.

Accelerator: you would think that with a house this big you would have some servants to call your guests to supr.

Mistriz: no I dont like servants. tho I do higher cleaners who come every 2 weeks to make every thing presentable.

The two started to walk down the hallway with mistriz leading the way.

Mistriz: so do you like the room.

Accelerator: of what I have seen ya it looks good.(all I have seen is a sofa really close up)

The two them reached the end of a corridor which had a large door that mistriz opened revealing a large room that had a large table capable of holding 20 people without difficulty there was also a kitchen area at the end of the room which looked to be fully professional with any appliance a restaurant could have. There were already two sets of plates and cutlery in place one at the head of the table and one directly down on the left of it. Accelerator sat in the chair he presumed to be his while mistriz went into the kitchen. While accelerator wondered what was he going to get. After a minute mistriz came back with a couple of plates one with normal toast on it one with French toast on it and one with rashers(bacon) and sausages.

Mistriz: I know that this is more of a breakfast or lunch then supr but you probably need a lot of energy from all that went on today.

She put the plates on the table and took some of the food and placed it on her plate and accelerator did the same after a while accelerator finished eating and so did mistriz.

Mistriz: now if you are going to be staying here in my house I have some rules.

Accelerator: what more rules.

Mistriz:*snickers* dont worry the only rule I am adding is that you must eat what ever food gets put on your plate got it. I dont want you withering away on us do I. Himhimhim.

Accelerator: fine as long as I can have coffee.

Mistriz: well I would prefer if you didn't but I guess you can keep drinking it. I will make some for you at breakfast ok.

Accelerator: ya that's fin I guess.

Mistriz: well then off to bed with you then.

Thanks for reading this chapter and I hope that you have enjoyed it.
I know that it is very slow but please bare with it. I hope to get to some more interesting parts soon.
Well thanks again for reading and I hope to see you all again soon.

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