Our story

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I've known the Cameron's for as long as I can remember, any of my childhood memories includes a Cameron wether it's Rafe, Sarah or Wheezie. I didn't introduce myself, did I? Well, I'm Isabelle but most people call me Izzy or just Belle. My family and I have always lived next to the Cameron's since our parents were in the same friend group in high school and ended up marrying each other. I've always been an only child that's why Sarah and Wheezie are like sisters to me. On the other side, my relationship with Rafe is different.
When we were in elementary school he would protect me like a big brother, we'd spend everyday together playing games and watching TV. Then when he started middle school he kind of left me for the cool kids, i wasn't mad at him because even if we were close, he was still older than me so it was obvious that he would make other friends. Even if we didn't hang out as much, we still went on trips with our families so we spent time together from time to time. When he started high school, he was officially the Kook king. He started changing a lot: he went to every single party, hooked up with every girl, he even started to take drugs ,which I really hated but I guess with the lack of love he felt that was his way of "keeping his shit together" like he says.
When I started at Kook Academy, Rafe and I became close again. This time it wasn't as in a fraternal relationship, but more a romantic one. He stopped hooking up with random girls at parties, invited me to every football game he would play, we went golfing together, which I hated but did anyways because his company made my day better, until one day he asked me to Midsummers. In Kook world it was a pretty big deal going with someone to Midsummers, so when my parents found out they were very supportive, even a bit too much, since they've always wanted Rafe and me to get together but never said anything. I thought that people would judge us because of our two years age gap, but no one seemed to really care.
We've had our ups and downs mostly because of his behavior towards people when he's under the influence, which is pretty much always, but at the end of the day I would never trade him for anything or anyone. But apparently it didn't go both ways.

Hiiiii babes!! So here's the first chapter what did you guys think about it? It's kinda short but this is just the beginning! If there's any suggestions don't forget to comment. Love all of you 💗💗
Ps: I'll maybe update next chapter later

Five years apart - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now