osamu goes visit suna's house ~ part two

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And osamu saw his boyfriend all wet and face look like the same and his body was all wet and osamu blushed while suna was smiling and when osamu entered the house everything was all the same and suna was upstairs changing his clothes and brushing his hair and he went down stairs and asked his boyfriend osamu why did he come to his house "hey osamu why did u came to my house for some reason? " well then osamu said "well why can't I visited my boyfriend and plus it has been so long we haven't meet each other " and suna was happy when he boyfriend came but then osamu gets a text from atsumu  and he totally replied to his twin brother "samu where are u " and osamu said "didn't I tell u that I was going to suna's house? " and atsumu said "well I accidentally spilled juice on your white t-shirt  hope your not gonna kill me" while osamu See's that text he text back to atsumu "your dead and your making dinner tonight and every morning" and atsumu said "but samu I can't cook" and he replied to atsumu "I don't care that's your fault and u can maybe watch some cooking videos and learn! " while he was done texting his twin brother his boyfriend suna was kinda curious what happened and then suna asked osamu "hey babe what happened with you and your twin brother? " osamu answered  "my twin brother spilled juice on my favorite white t-shirt ! " while suna was trying to calm osamu down and finally osamu relax... ..
See in part 3...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2022 ⏰

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