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A boy is going to Seoul to heal his broken heart.

He is so tired from the continuous crying from last night and hungry because he didn't eat from last morning how can he eat when his heart is broken. If anyone saw his face they can easily say that the boy is heart broken his swollen face eyes puffed eye because of continue crying and his whole face is red.

Taehyung is 22 years old who is engaged with Lee yong who is a known business man in deagu.

His engagement is arranged by his family they don't even ask his liking that did he want this engagement or not. All they did only for money.And now he is leaving his family, fiance and his everything in deagu to start a new life.

The reason for his leaving his everything behind is his own fiance and family.


Tae: how can you do this to me yong said tae angrily

Yong: what are you saying taehyung asked while putting an innocent face

Tae: what am I saying don't you know

Yong: yes I don't know

Tae: I saw you with some other girl and i got to know that she is your wife

Yong: oh thank god that you now you know how much i tried to manage this matter yong said like a matter of fact and it's common and tae look at him like disbelief face

Tae: how can you say like that. I don't want to keep this relation anymore iam breaking this engagement

Yong: you think this is possible your parents don't want to loose me babyboy he said smirking tae just look at him disgust

Tae: i will tell this all to my parents they will definitely won't marry me with you and don't call me like that tae said with anger face

At tae's house

Tae: dad why are you not believing me he is a cheater and already married dad look tae whatever it is just forget it and marry yong he is a nice person and he is helping your dad to start his business

Tae: mom is that only matters to you why can't you understand that I don't want to marry him he is a cheater mom please he said while crying baby please understand your dad business will be destroyed before it starts can't you endure this for the sake of your dad his mom says very angrily

Tae: no mom i will never marry him mom my life will be also destroyed by him mom if i marry him please don't do this to me mom please he is literally begging but it all went in Vail his mom just standing there like a deff person if you can't marry him then I will also can't accept you as my son anymore

Tae just looking at his mom in disbelief while tears streaming down from his soft cheeks.

After a few minutes tae take a deep breath to control his tears and take the hard and toughest decision for himself which is more important to him

Tae: ok then I won't stay here anymore mom if you can't understand my feelings then who will understand me saying this tae went to his room to pack his luggage his mom stumble back and sat on the sofa

After a few minutes later tae came down with his luggage and look at his parents one last time and went away from there.But before leaving he said if I go now I will never come back mom mark my words and i will always love you mom and dad because my stupid heart can't hate you you both saying that tae left from there.

All the time stay silent even when tae went with his luggage he just stayed silent.

He is crying silently because the pain he is feeling right now he only know that because he is the reason behind this all.

Tae's mother is only greedy for money she live for money stays alive for money but tae's father he loves tae so much as well as money he knows about tae's fiance marrige because he himself saw everything and when he console Lee yong he manipulate tae's father and show him the power of money

Tae's father got greedy after saw that much of money and agreed to marry tae with Lee yong but with one condition that yong have to always to give first priority to tae  thought that his son will get anger on them but he didn't thought that his son will leave him forever.

Back to present

Now tae is coming to Seoul through bus because he doesn't have that much time to take a flight ticket. He is not sad because of Lee yong he is sad because his parents prioritise money more than him that's the only thing makes him sad.

In Seoul he don't know anyone but he is completed his highschool and he wants to study in college but mother doesn't let him and he  doesn't even think in his dreams that he have to leave his hometown permanently.

Tae only know a person in Seoul that is min yoongi who is also belongs to deagu and he is senior to tae in his highschool days. Yoongi treats tae always like a little brother.

But for to start a new career yoongi have to leave deagu and he came to Seoul there he met park jimin his baby mochi.

Tae don't have any source to contact Suga. Thinking about Suga tae need a place to stay so he went to boys dorm luckily the warden is a good person he gave tae a seperate room.

It's been a month that tae came to Seoul it's hard to mend his broken heart but he work hard to forget everything and also he got work in cafe.

Right now it's cold winter only a few people are coming to the cafe in the early morning and tae cleaning the tables and he heard a bell ring means a customer.

And tae heard a voice that gives him assurance like he is here for him and everything is alright and tae look up at that person and tears slowly started to gather in his almond eyes and his lips wobble a little.

Same goes with that person also he got shocked to see tae here and his eyes also got teary.

???: Ta-tae

Ok guys this is my first time writing if you guys saw any mistakes then do correct me and tell how is it i will only continue if you guys like it

Love from Zoya 💜💜💜💜💜

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