Chapter Six

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I woke up early today. The sun wasn't even visible by the time I woke up. That night I had sung a few kids to sleep and passed out by the stairs. Yes, I was that desperate not to sleep with Krone.

I took a quick shower and got ready for the day. The shower was pretty refreshing. I headed for the library to spend the next hour there, until everybody woke up. As I pushed the door open, I spotted a dimmed light behind the shelves.

Quietly, I stepped forward and made my way towards the bookshelf. As I poked my head around the corner, I spotted a black-headed figure slumped on the bookshelf. It was Ray. He was sleeping.

Huh. Did he sleep here the whole night? I walked over to him and glanced at the book on his lap. It was a dictionary. How boring is this kid!? It makes sense that he would pass out while reading the dictionary in the middle of the night! This kid is so strange, honestly.

I sighed and walked away. I was not going to wake that kid up. I'm just going to pretend like I never saw anything and disappear.

The night had come and we had just finished dinner. Isabella, Krone, and I were helping around the dining room and picking up after the kids. Emma, Ray, and Norman had snuck off and Isabella had tasked me to keep an eye on them. What a pain. I thought she didn't want us to interfere. Can't she go herself? I don't want to keep on doing her dirty work for her.

The trio had gone up the stairs and entered the library. As I leaned into the door, I could hear a murmur of two other voices. It was Don and Gilda. So, they're recruiting others now, aren't they? Bold, but smart move.

The trio had decided to go with the false story of human trafficking. Such morons. They're going to find out then everybody's going to die. If Don and Gilda believe it then they're even bigger morons.

"What? You're not saying it's true, right?" Don asked. The fear and confusion was clear in his voice.

"It's true," Ray said, blandly.

"Wait, what?" Don stuttered. "Hold on, then what about Mom?"

I heard someone sigh. "She's selling us to bad people."

Don started shouting, he didn't believe it at all. But Gilda, on the other hand, believed every bit of it. She said that since the day Conny had been shipped out, she noticed Emma acting strange. Guess Emma really saw did Krone put it? Package? Harvest? I forgot.

I let out a small sigh. Well, I got what I needed to know. I'm not wasting another second listening to their boring conversation. I don't need to relive the experience. I'm already past it. Besides, what do I care if these children die or escape? Whatever happens, I live. Whatever they do I could care less for.

- - -

"Y/N," Krone whispered. I was in bed and getting ready to sleep. Krone however had one thing she had to do. "Be a dear and don't speak of what happened tonight, understand?"

I rolled my eyes at her. "Whatever Krone. As long as it doesn't bother me I could care less about what you do."

She gave me a small smile and I slapped my pillow onto my face. By the time Krone turned off the lights and went to sleep I was half asleep and caught a bit of her conversation with Gilda.

"I'm not worried about anything," I hear Gilda say. "I'm okay...Leave me alone."

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