Rooster, Home For Christmas

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It was always brilliant to have Rooster return home. But there was something perfectly brilliant about having him home for the holidays. She had spent the day before putting up the tree and decorating the interior and exterior of the house with as many decorations as she could find so the house was ready. As time seems to pass so excruciatingly slow when there is something to look forward to, she decided to waste a few hours by baking gingerbread men and when she realized how little time the actually baking had wasted, she decided to spent ages intricately decorating them to look like the Top Gun pilots as best as she could. She had butchered Bob's glasses and made Hangman's smug girn far to big for the gingerbread man's face, but she seemed to have mastered it by the time she got to Rooster as mimicked his aviators and mustache rather well.

Rooster arrived home to be able to hear Last Christmas by Wham! blasting loudly before he even got into his home. He smiled fondly knowing how much she loved her Christmas record collection and how the lights outside were positioned lower than usual as he had been late returning this year so she had to put them up herself. Rooster entered silently as to not disturb whatever Christmas activity she was doing. The kitchen was a mess. Frosting over the counter, bowl stacked by the sink and icing sugar seemed to dust the whole room like a fine coat of snow. He smiled as he watched her dance to the music, her hair tied back and a his Christmas apron on as she neatly arranged gingerbread men on a plate. She looked up, "You're back!" she exclaimed happily, immediately rushing towards Rooster and hugging him tightly, forgetting about the frosting she would be getting on him. He kissed her head and hugged her back tightly. "What were you making?" he asked lovingly. "Gingerbread, want to try one?" she asked mindlessly reaching for the plate and passing him one. Rooster took a bite before nodding in approval. "I think you just beheaded Hangman," she laughed noticing which member of the Top Gun pilots was missing. "Oh well," Rooster alighted noticing how all the little gingerbread men represented someone he knew.

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