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Before they knew, the two students developed a great bond together. They often hang out in the breaks and surprisingly also after their lectures. May it be taking strolls in the neighborhood or having a drink together at the nearest cafe, the two students enjoyed the time they spend together.

However, the more time they spend together, the faster her feelings of insecurity grow. Since she was a kid, Yachi always questioned in her head if people really liked her. Not just for her appearance, but for her personality. There was one time where she found herself feeling inferior to the others. That's because she was forced to play the role of a mere townsperson in a play. It was like a background character that helped the main characters grow and that's how she's currently feeling.

Maybe Yachi was just overthinking Akihiko's actions, but she found it rather suspicious how someone could be as kind as him. It is impossible to be so friendly and having no negative aspects in their personality. Yachi began to think that the man used her like a townsperson, may it be intentionally or unintentionally.

So that's why Yachi decided to ask him to go to the Lantern festival with her. She wanted to have answers to her questions. She wants to know if Akihiko really liked to be around her or if it was all a facade.

Meanwhile Akihiko had also an inner conflict in his body. After the trauma he experienced in the past, his mind fully shut off all emotions which may have led to any kind of romance or happiness. He only felt hopeless and constant pressure to make something from his pathetic life. The man doesn't want to bring someone else in his piteous future. He couldn't bear the thought of seeing someone else suffer because of him.

Yet, his heart doesn't want to listen to his brain. While the mind told him to distance himself with the blonde haired woman, his heart tried to convince him to let her in his personal circle. The heart found that Akihiko has suffered enough and that he deserved to be happy. Akihiko doesn't realize it himself, but he secretly yearned to have someone dear to him.




"A little bit to the right, Hitoka-chan," the brown haired young man instructed his friend.

The blonde haired nodded and did as she was instructed before pulling the trigger of the large sniper. Yachi silently cursed when she saw that the bullet missed the red target on the can.

"What a shame! It was such a nice shot! Better luck next time, miss," the owner of the shooting game told her before skipping over to his next customer.

"I'm sorry for being bad at this game, Akihiko-san," the woman apologized, a conflicted frown could be seen on her face.

"I know it's not fun to play games with someone who's bad at this," Yachi looked a little bit embarrassed when she noticed that some people were paying attention to her unfortunate state. Akihiko placed a hand on her shoulder and only gave her a warm smile.

"Don't feel bad about it, Hitoka-chan. Even if you're bad at shooting, it doesn't make it less fun for me," the man chuckled which made Yachi look up.

Is he really worried about me or does he just want to be seen as the good guy?

"You know...," Akihiko trailed off before loading his gun. "I only have fun because you're with me, Hitoka," he said before pulling the trigger.

Loud sounds engulfed the area. Everyone, including Yachi, was left speechless at the handsome brown haired young man's actions. All bullets hit the same spot on the head of the little metal running man.

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