| Forgive and Forget |

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"Mine looked cooler. Try harder next time," I commented.

"What happened to remaining inconspicuous? There won't be a next time if you make your presence known like that," he retorted, not sounding half as irritated as he would've liked.

"You're just salty because you know I'm right," I responded with an innocent smile.

"Mhm, keep dreaming bard," he spoke distractedly. "Where did you bring us?"

I glanced over at the building to our left where candle light was warming the windows in a saturated orange hue. Shadows passed by the blinds and voices could be heard on the inside. Casting a quick glance at the nearby street, I ensured nobody had witnessed us jumping down but instead took in the sight of the bustling road. There were countless numbers of people flocking about the main city. Many were on step ladders putting up lanterns and others were decorating the red railings with adornations. Instantly, it hit me.

"Lantern Rite," I realised out loud as I devoured the look of liveliness in the streets.


"Lantern Rite!" I repeated more excitedly. "That's why there was an increase of guards and security!"

"The annual Liyue festival? Yes, it makes sense now. What are you so excited about?"

Only one thing. "Fireworks."

Scaramouche regarded the stars in my eyes with another look of amusement. "You'll want to watch them right? With this many people around, it shouldn't be too difficult to blend in with some borrowed disguises. Sounds good?"

I nodded happily, practically vibrating at the idea of seeing the explosive colours with this man at my side. It would be another core memory to write songs about later on. For now, we had things to sort out and they took priority.

"At the moment, we'd best get our circumstances sorted out. I can help with that," I explained.

I stalked towards the front door of the funeral parlour and knocked three times. Scaramouche began to protest but I gave him a confident look, showing him that I really knew what I was doing this time. It was the least I could do by now. If there were any favours I could cash in to help us, I would use them.

Not much longer, a key turned in the lock and the door swung open to reveal a widely smiling girl in a black uniform. Her eyes were flaming orbs and something about her radiated spiritual power. I felt the instinct to up my guard but the moment she set her eyes on me, her curious expression won me over.

"Sorry! We'll be closed for the next couple of days due to the festivities. If you've got any corpses on your hand, I suggest keeping them in some sort of cold container or if you're knowledgeable in the art of embalming, you'll know exactly what to do for yourself. Any emergencies? Send in a request and we'll see who we can send down to lend a hand!" she said all in one breath.

Why did that feel rehearsed? Did they really turn away dead people on national holidays?

"Actually, there's someone here that I'd like to request an audience with. If possible, could you mention my name to Mr Zhongli? If I'm not mistaken, he should recognise me," I spoke politely. I introduced myself to her as she nodded slowly with glittering eyes.

"Before I do that... Could I ask why it is that neither of you have a pulse?"

I froze. How could she have possibly deduced that? We had appeared before her only seconds ago. I suppose I was right to be suspicious of her. Someone with an aura that resembled death was someone to be cautious of. What I found even more strange however was the fact that she suggested neither me or Scaramouche had a pulse. I had heard it with my own ears, even if he was an artificially created human. The beat of it hummed like a steady rhythm whenever I was close enough to hear it. Was it really my imagination?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2022 ⏰

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