Yoshida: *he clenched his fist in anger, almost about to walk towards Andi but was stopped by Shiroi*

Shiroi: Don't...let them handle this. It's a personal matter after all. *he looks at Yoshida before looking back at Andi Aqua* I have a bad feeling about this but we should let them handle this.

Andi: Look here sister. I don't know what you thought of me but I really would like you to turn around and walk away from whatever you are planning to do or else I will have to end you for good.*He tilted his head as his tone changed*

Sha: *she narrowed her eyes as she was shocked to hear such words from her own brother who was so kind back when they were little* What happened to you?. Have you been taken over by a darkbearer? It must be it or else why?*she asked worridly as she was sure that her brother is being manipulated*

Andi: *he laughed out loud hearing Sha* Hahahha...sister this is why you are not ready for whatever you are going to do, you are so naïve.You got it all wrong... I control the darkbearers, they don't control me.*he tilted his head, grinning maliciously* It took me so long to get rid of you back in the days and again you are here, can't you just let me be?. *he glared at Sha angrily*

Sha: *She shook her head in confusion, still in shock* What are you talking about?. I never got in your way.

Andi: Never? Hah...funny. *he glared at Sha like a maniac as he opened his arms* You never got in my way?. Haha...that's funny sister because all I remember from our childhood is everyone, literally everyone, always prr you were born special.. you didn't have to work hard to achieve anything!. Everything was served to you on a silver plate!!.

Sha: *her eyes widened in shock as she listened to her brother* No...that's not true, that's not how we lived Andi, brother you were always there for me.*she rests her right hand against her chest before speaking* Helping me...*as she kept speaking about the past, her memories of that time flowed in her mind* Saving me, protecting me, always every single time.*she started mumbling* You were always there for me and I was never scared, because of you.

Andi: Heh.*he tilted his head as he moves his, hands downwards, glaring at Sha with an evil yet angry smirk* Helped you?. Everytime you messed up, I always had to take blame for it, it was sickening me, every single time. All our father saw was you, we all know you weren't a sickly little kid, you were given extra attention for another whole reason little sister. You bring nothing but misery to people around you. *he points at the squad members* Do any of them even know who you truly are? HUH??!! Don't tell me you are even deceiving them!!. Haha, ofcourse you are!. That's what you do.

Sha: A-Andi stop...*her tears began to get of control as she sobbed. A heavy pain in her chest as she stared and listened to her brother* please...this is not right. You're not yourself, please.*she started walking slowly towards Andi*

Andi: Don't come near me, just do as I say and turn around and go away. Stop with whatever you are planning or else I will have to kill you myself. *he puts his one hand forward as a stop sign* You should stop making more people suffer little sister.

Jiao: Aren't you being a way too harsh?. Are you even her real brother?. *He spoke with an angry tone*

Sha: No Jiao...don't interfere.

Yoshida: *he clenched his fist more angrily as he felt sadness seeing Sha in this state*

Shiroi: No.. This isn't right.. *He says with a soft voice as he was only heard by Yoshida, Claire, Horus and Ave* He is lying.. something is wrong..

Andi: Do you even know what happened to me on the day of doom?. DO YOU EVEN REMEMBER MY FACE?!. *his voice got louder mixed with anger*

Sha: *her eyes trembled as she gulps, breathing heavily to hear her brother ask her that such a question* M-mhm.

Squad Chaos - 04 - Reminisce of once historyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें