Chapter 14

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(Third-Person POV)

After breaking the connection between herself and her mother in the spirit world, Carla decided to see what was going on elsewhere in the Submarine, so she left the room she and Vivian Molière were hiding in for safety reasons.

Back in the EverRealm;

Things were not looking good. More and more kingdoms were falling apart as the Confederacy of Free Nations and the Council of Military Powers both of the enemies of the United Republics of Earth had both decided to invade the EverRealm together in a joint-maneuver that would guarantee that the Confederacy and the Council would successfully invade and conquer every kingdom in the EverRealm. Luckily; every kingdom in the EverRealm, even the Southern Isles had agreed to band together as allies in order to defend the realm from any threat. It was exactly what Queen Amber of Enchancia had wanted after she and her wife; Su of Wang-Tu got married. The couple had been happily married for Six and a half years. They even adopted two baby girls, whom Amber named; Lorelei and Miranda in honor of both of her moms, her birth mother; Lorelei and her step-mother; Miranda. Su loved both names because she had actually been abandoned by her own mother, who was unknown, she was raised by her father; King Malachi of Wang-Tu, she never knew her mother.


(Third-Person POV)

In Enchancia at the Royal Palace;

Amber makes her way through the castle looking for her brother. "James? James, where are you!?" Amber listens for her brother's voice answering her call. Nothing. "James. I need to talk to you, I know that you're not happy with the idea of me being queen. But when dad steps down as king, I want you to be my Captain of the Guard. Sofia will be my Royal Advisor, mom will be Queen Mother, Dad will become the King Father. but I want you to be my Captain of the Royal Guard!" Amber searched throughout the whole castle, all except for the three areas where her brother forbade her to go; his bedroom, his study nook and his secret hideout. However; Amber was going to officially be Queen of Enchancia in 12 hours, she was already Queen on technicality due to the death of her dad; King Roland II and her stepmother; Queen Miranda who died on their way home from Avalor, and she could therefore change any and all rules that forbid her from going to certain places in the castle.

Amber walks towards her brother's study nook. "James Rutherford Matthias Winslow! I, your sister and also Queen of Enchancia; Hereby demand you answer me!" Amber wasn't playing any more games, she was now using her Royal Voice. "Amber, I am busy with something you no longer have to do; Homework! Go bug Sofia or your crush; Lily the Good Witch for a change, since apparently you and Su broke up!!" Amber gasped.

Amber was upset. "James, first of all; Su and I put our relationship on hold until after my coronation as Queen of Enchancia." Nobody in the palace except for her and Sofia knew that she had a crush on Lily the Good Witch. "James, have you been reading my diary lately!?" James, who was inside the study nook, opens the door a bit. "No, not since I learned that you were Bisexual and Polyamorous almost three years ago. You, of course, caught me reading your diary that day. Why did you ask me if I have read your diary lately?" James asks in response.

Amber looks her brother right in the eye and then she answers. "Because my diary says that I've been crushing on Lily the Good Witch for almost three years. And the fact that you told me to go bug Sofia or my crush; Lily, I instantly thought you had been reading my diary again." James actually had been reading his sister's diary and he was currently in his study nook, reading Amber's diary. "Hey quick question. Why is the Circumference of a crown equal to the radius of a witch's hat!?"

Amber looked at him angrily. "James! You have been reading my diary again!" James acts all confused. "Amber what in the EverRealm are you talking about!? I'm just doing my homework. I swear." Amber knew he wasn't being honest. "James, the Circumference of a crown being equal to the Radius of a witch's hat is actually something that I wrote in my diary as a way to know whether or not you were reading it again. Now, I am not going to ask you again; Do not read my diary anymore! This is the final time, I will ask you not to do it! If you continue to read my diary after me telling you not to read my diary, if I have to ask or tell you again not to do that; I will have you banned from any and all social activities and events, including jousting competitions. With the only exception being mealtime. And if it happens again after you were banned from all social activities and events. Then you will be permanently banished from the Queendom of Enchancia! This is not a threat, but rather a promise!"

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