The man didn't answer, he only walked to the bed and grabbed his wife. She only looked into his red orbs as he did the same.

"Kver, you can't give me an erection and then leave me uncomfortable" The man whined as he rubbed the woman's shoulders trying to slip her gown off.

"Baki..." The woman named Kver said as she brought her plump lips to her husband's ear. Soon, she whispered the magic words.

"Sounds like a you problem" Kver said before she laid back down and went back to typing on her phone.

The man named Baki sighed as he laid down on his side of the bed, he sighed as he looked at the erect penis poking through his robe.

He huffed before looking at his wife who was only watching stupid cooking videos, Baki was aware that his wife Kver only watching the videos because of the guy cooking. Kver thought the guy was cute.

Baki took the time to admire the beauty his wife held. Baki had to admit he never saw a woman as beautiful as Kver, not even his ex-girlfriend was so pretty.

Her hair was long and white, her white hair was caused by the Poliosis that she had. Kver naturally had brown hair but started to turn white when she was a teen.

Baki had also loved her eye color. Her eyes were two different colors, one being green while the other was a brown color. Kver wanted to wear contacts to cover her eye color but Baki quickly shut that down.

Finally, the main thing he loved about Kver was her voice. Kver naturally had a deep voice and it shocked Baki when he first heard her deep voice.

Kver the noticed the staring coming from her husband that she tried to ignore, she lowered her phone and looked at her husband.

"Are you frozen? What do you keep staring at?" Kver asked with a mean look on her face, her husband continued to stare.

Annoyed that she was being ignored, she placed her phone on the bed and lightly smacked her husband on the ear, his ear was his soft place.

Baki snapped out of it once Kver smacked him, he stared at Kver with a confused look on his face. 

"Why did you do that?!" He asked as he rubbed his ear.

"Stop staring!" Kver responded and Baki smiled at her.

"But you're just so beautiful" He said to his wife, he wrapped his arms around her waist, he placed his head on her thighs.

Kver rolled her eyes before running her fingers through Baki's soft hair, she enjoyed rubbing his hair but she wouldn't admit that.

"Kver?" Baki asked in which Kver hummed in response

"Do you remember how we first met?" Baki asked randomly, Kver sighed, trying to remember her very first encounter with her husband.

"I do" She answered and Baki chuckled.

"Tell me then, don't worry, I'll correct you along the way" Baki said to his wife.

"It started about seven years ago..."


Seven Years Ago

A young girl walked down the streets of Tokyo, Japan. The colorful lights coming from clubs and restaurants was the only thing that guided her from the darkness of the night.

While the light did guide her, it didn't protect her from the predators who roamed the streets at night. Usually, the girl would have used her bike but it was stolen.

The girl's name was Kver Yamagata, she was a 19 year old girl who had just come back from working a ten hour shift at some shitty club.

She hated her job more than she hated life, most of the people who came to the club were sweaty, broke, and drunk. But the sweaty perverts and weirdos who snuck things into people's drinks didn't annoy her as much as her boss did.

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