"The fact that I was so desperate to get a conversation flowing with him that I stooped to sports, well Adriana, you know how I feel about football so let's not even go there!"

"Oh Claudia, you got another pretty boy with no personality, surely you've hit a record now right?"

"I'm going to end up reverting back to booty calls just out of desperation".

"Salvo, have you found out anymore?" Giacomo asked requiring an update for the boss. Salvatore let out a frustrated sigh "so far no one is talking and the money doesn't seem to be moving yet. We have our guys on the streets watching who we think may be involved but until they change their routine and meet with someone out of the ordinary we don't have anything real to go on yet". This was not what Giacomo needed to hear, information like this was absolutely useless to the boss and would only infuriate him. "That's not good enough Salvo. You know I can't tell your father that. Ci deve essere qualcosa?" He shook his head once more, "purtroppo per ora no. But Giacomo I know there will be a slip up, these boys were young and stupid. For once let's be patient". Patients was not even Salvatore's style, he was rarely if ever patient himself. Something told him though this time patience was the way to go.

Adriana and Claudia found themselves getting ready to paint the town red again on that Sunday night. Claudia's brother had tickets to a particular event night happening at Marquee, being unable to attend he gave them to his sister with a warning to be responsible but still have fun.

"The girls will be here any minute Adriana, are you ready?" Claudia asked referring to her work colleagues. Adriana stepped out of her room in a blue Victoria Secret ruched one shoulder dress. It clung to her body in all the right places accentuating all the right curves.

Marquee was just as busy as the previous night if not busier because of the hip hop guest DJ. The dance floor was crammed with people bumping and grinding appreciating the music in the club. The ladies initially started downstairs taking shots at the bar from a very attractive bar tender who Claudia was shamelessly flirting with, with the help of her wing woman Tracy from work. It did not take the ladies long to loosen up enough to hit the dance floor. They continued from the dance floor to the bar for about an hour or so until they realised so many ladies had caught whiff of the attractive bartender that practically everyone was waiting at the bar waiting to be served by him.

Adriana noticed that tonight the staircase leading upstairs was open to the public and from what she could see there was far less commotion going on up there. She leaned into Claudia was now wrapped up with some unknown guy dancing. "Claudia I'm going upstairs to get drinks. Do you want another vodka redbull?" She nodded appreciatively and flashed her a big smile.

There he was. Sitting smugly on the couch nursing his whiskey with his hand on a blonde woman's thigh with her hand teasingly on top of his stoking his knuckles seductively. His hand was so far up her thigh she thought her vagina was going to devour it. 'Arrogant asshole' Adriana thought to herself. She had no idea why seeing Salvatore in this position suddenly aggravated her. She knew she really had no right to entertain these thoughts and feed them on but there they were, dancing through her mind like some cruel game.

Without realising it at first, Luca had spotted her. Their eyes met and instantly she knew he had caught her out staring. Almost instantly her gaze dropped to the floor and she strode purposefully to the bar. She hoped Luca would not alert Salvatore but had a very good feeling there was no way in hell that was going to happen.

"Two vodka redbulls please" Adriana ordered the moment the bartender came over, she was on a mission to get the drinks and evacuate the area immediately. When she felt a hand on her shoulder and a body shuffle to her left side she swallowed hard knowing it was him. "Hey" Salvatore's voice sent chills down her spine. Instinctively she flicked his hand off her with her left hand taking a step away from him. He chuckled slightly knocking back the remainder of his whiskey and leaving the empty glass on the bar. "Is that how it is hey?" Adriana rolled her eyes before giving him a stern look, "why don't you go put that hand back up that woman's dress?" Just like that Adriana spat out the words. They came out so boldly and full of spite shocking him completely. "So this is you jealous then, interesting" Adriana flicked her straightened hair back and widened her eyes at him. "Oh please. That's ridiculous" but even as she said the words she did not believe them herself. She was jealous, very jealous. Salvatore moved closer to her closing the distance between them completely. He noticed her two drinks had just been served and decided to help himself to one of her glasses drinking back some of her vodka redbull. He scrunched his nose making a funny face before placing the glass back down, "what the heck is that?" He asked unimpressed. "Vodka redbull"

"It's disgusting, just tastes like sugar. Who are you here with? That little boy again?" He joked trying to piss her off completely. "I'm here with my friend Claudia actually. Not that it's any of your business"

"I guess it's none of your business who's dress I put my hand up then hey?" His challenge caught her off guard. 'Why are we even arguing about this?' Adriana thought to herself now confused and a little embarrassed. He was right, it was not any of her business. "Have a great night" she quickly stated dismissing him completely and returning her attention to the drinks, she was about to pick them up when he grabbed her elbow pulling her a little stopping her from running away. "She's nobody" he confessed staring directly into her eyes trying to read her expression.

Silence in New York - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now