And even after all those hardships and painful memories of distrust and nightmares, it took the little girl a huge explanation on how it all started. It took them a while to accept it all, but oh well. It's always a new journey ahead of them.

They won't live the same life like they used to anyway.


There was a moment of a new dawn arising from the peacefulness and quiet morning, but somehow and someway, the twins were not having that at all. Yuriko slammed the door open with Rizu by her side, to see their little sister sleeping soundly in bed. She was such in a strange and tangled position whilst hugging the sleeping Pikachu, drooling all over her pillow and snoring. As much Yuriko wanted to take a photo of her ridiculous position for another hilarious memory, Rizu was not having that at a dire situation.


Rizu whined, running towards her sister and shook her by the shoulders. "You promised us to go hiking with you today!"

But (Y/N) never seemed to budge and just groaned, Yuriko deadpanning at her behavior. "(N/N) I love you and all but didn't I just tell you to turn on your alarm clock last night?"

The little sister whined in her sleep, holding Pikachu closer. "Mm.. ten minutes.. "

Rizu lets go of her sister's shoulders and face palmed, "God, this kid."

Yuriko leaned closer to (Y/N) and flicked her forehead. "It's not our job to wake you up anymore right? Take a shower already you dumbass!"

The girl was still just as stubborn as ever, making both of them annoyed, ".. Just-Whatever. It's not our fault you're gonna miss it anyway."

Pikachu on the other hand stretched out his small paws and yawned, blinking slightly to see a clearer vision of his friend still asleep, looking back at Rizu and Yuriko who were beginning to leave the room. "Pikachu?" Raising his tail to poke (Y/N)'s cheek, in an attempt to wake her up from the slumber.

"Mmm, give me thirty more minutes.."

"Piiii!" That only made (Y/N) snore even louder. Pikachu face palmed, using his tail to slap the girl repeatedly from her face until she was awake in just a matter of moments.

"Ow ow ow!"

She held her cheeks, wincing at the burning sensation. "What was that for?!"

Pikachu hummed and crossed his arms, pointing at the door that was wide open. "Pika pi!"

(Y/N) rubbed her eye and glared at the Pokemon, "Don't even try to wake me up like that. I've told you a thousand times not to!" She doesn't know exactly how much he did that to make her wide awake with pained cheeks, but enough to know it was such a long time.

"Pika, Pika Pikachu!"


With her still being half asleep while walking to the kitchen, (Y/N) saw her mother cook breakfast at the earliest of dawn. Yua looked back at her child who looked like a mess with red stained cheeks as she was holding Pikachu in her arms, making her smile. "Good morning, you seem to be in an awful mood." She chuckled.

The girl grumbled and sat by the dining table, resting her chin by the back of her palm. "I was having a good sleep, but those three idiots woke me up." She looked back at Pikachu annoyed, and then back at her sisters who were sitting right in between her, who looked like they were holding in their laughter once they saw her.

She was so close to beat the ever living shit out of any of them, but she really can't do anything about it at all. Annoyingly enough their mother was there, "Geez, who in the world would wake up this early just for some stupid hiking? I hate exercises and I hate waking up early!"

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