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"Well. . ." He continued to think, leaning forward a bit, both of them looking at each other. "I love history. Any type of history. I also really like to paint. If I wasn't working here, I'd probably try to pursue painting." Spencer listened in admiration, nodding along with his words. "Maybe sometime you can show me one of your paintings?"

"I guess that means we're gonna have to keep talking to each other, huh?" Ben asked, a smile growing on his lips as he watched a small blush spark on Spencer's cheeks. "I guess so." Spencer agreed, a strand of hair falling in front of his face. The two sat in silence for a moment before Ben started to talk again.

"What's your job like? Other than the dead bodies and crazy people?" Spencer took another sip of his coffee and got ready to ramble on about his team and job, but quickly stopped, not knowing if Ben was going to stop him. "Go ahead and talk. I'll listen." Ben comforted after he noticed how hesitant he was, a smile on his face to show that he was sincere.

"Well, my team makes the experience a lot better." Spencer stopped talking again and Ben realized that maybe his comfort hadn't really helped. "Tell me about your team." Ben urged, wanting to hear his voice. By now, Spencer had realized that Ben actually wanted to hear about his job. A smile grew on his face and Ben cheered internally. "Well, Gideon is a great profiler. Without him, I don't think we would've caught some of the people we have. The same goes for Hotch. He's a good reasoner and fighter. Derek is annoying but he makes the team great. He's easy to talk to even though he can be a pain in my butt. Elle is an amazing fighter. She's really good at what she does. JJ is great at keeping the public updated about everything without giving too much away. She also has a lot of strength because usually, she's the one talking about the case. And Garcia is great with computers. She helps get us any files and records we need. Truly, without any of them, we wouldn't be so successful." Spencer looked up, letting out a breath when he saw Ben's soft eyes.

He didn't seem annoyed or pissed off. In fact, he looked like he wanted to hear more. "Your team sounds like they're amazing people," Ben said, encouraging Spencer to talk more. Spencer was shocked. By this point, everyone would be either bored or annoyed with how much he was saying. Spencer smiled and nodded. "They are. They're basically my family."

"What about you? What do you do?" Ben asked him, specifically wanting to know what he did at work. "Well, uh, I usually get stuck with the stuff regular people couldn't figure out. Like riddles. I'm also a profiler." Ben nodded along. He truly wanted him to talk more about himself, but he didn't want to pressure him into talking about things he wasn't ready to yet. Maybe if they kept meeting and talking he could slowly open up.

"Let's not leave out the fact that you save people." Ben reminded, crossing his legs on the chair, copying Spencer by resting his head in his right hand. "Uh, sure. I guess we could say that." Ben raised an eyebrow and shook his head.

"No, we don't guess. We know." Ben looked a the clock that was behind Spencer's head, digging into his pockets. He grabbed his small notepad that he used to write down complicated orders and grabbed a pen out of his pocket as well. He scribbled something on the sheet of paper quickly, not giving Spencer a chance to even figure out what before he tore the sheet of paper off and slid it across the table, revealing a sequence of numbers.

"What's this?" Ben laughed a little, shaking his head as he put both his notepad and pen back into his pocket. "My number, Einstein. Give me a call sometime and maybe we can meet up, talk a bit more about ourselves. I really want to get to know you." Spencer couldn't help but feel a bit flustered at those words. No one had ever really wanted to keep talking to him after a few conversations, aside from his friends at work — although sometimes he felt as if they only talked to him because they worked together.

"Oh — uh — I would like that." Ben fished out the lobby key from the front pocket of his jeans. The two of them stood up simultaneously. "I would love to continue this conversation, but we're closing now." Spencer hummed in understanding and started to follow him to the door. Ben had been cleaning and stocking throughout the day so he didn't have anything to do at all. He opened the door and held it open for Spencer, who muttered a quick 'thank you' before walking out of the café, Ben following right after him.

He turned and closed the door, locking it quickly. He shivered slightly, not expecting it to be so cold. He turned around once again, looking up at Spencer. "I'll see you another time, Spencer." Spencer nodded with a smile. This scene was starting to get a bit familiar.

"Yeah. I'll see you again, Ben. Goodnight." Ben smiled once again, starting to back away, waving at him. "Goodnight, Einstein." Spencer was starting to grow fond of not only the nickname, but the male as well. He had always hated being called Einstein, but he couldn't help but want to hear it more from Ben's mouth.

It made him feel something he hadn't felt before. It felt nice.

Spencer stood there for a moment more, watching Ben walk away from him with a little skip in his step. He watched as he opened a door and walked into a building before he finally turned and started to make his way to his own home.

There was just something about Ben that made Spencer want to keep talking to him, seeing him. An unfamiliar feeling started to grow in the pit of his stomach, a smile never leaving his face as he walked down the sidewalk.

He didn't know what was up with him.

NOTE. spencer is oblivious (real)

YELLOW ( SPENCER REID. )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz